
空中英語教室 8/19
Juno's Successful Mission To Jupiter
Exceeding expectations and awaiting new discoveries
The planet Jupiter, a massive gas giant, dwarfs the other planets in our solar system. It has dozens of moons, one of which could very well support life. The Jovian system, which includes Jupiter's moons and faint rings, is as puzzling as it is beautiful. Scientists have long wondered what we might learn from our mysterious, giant neighbor. In 2011, NASA launched the solar-powered spacecraft Juno to explore Jupiter's cloud-covered interior. NASA had mapped out a 7-year mission for Juno to answer questions about Jupiter's formation and composition.
The first five years of Juno's mission were spent just traveling through our solar system. Finally, in 2016, it reached its main objective: a polar orbit around Jupiter. Juno was set to begin a series of close observations of the planet. After the successful initial flyby, mission command prepared to fire up the spacecraft's main engine. That would shorten Juno's orbital period to 14 days allowing the craft to finish its mission by 2018. But a pre-check of the engine turned up a problem. It appeared some valves that control the amount of fuel that goes to the rocket weren't working properly. If the engine misfired, Juno could go off course or even be destroyed.

(第一段)                The planet Jupiter, a massive gas giant, dwarfs the other planets in our solar system. It has dozens of moons, one of which could very well support life. The Jovian system, which includes Jupiter's moons and faint rings, is as puzzling as it is beautiful. Scientists have long wondered what we might learn from our mysterious, giant neighbor. In 2011, NASA launched the solar-powered spacecraft Juno to explore Jupiter's cloud-covered interior. NASA had mapped out a 7-year mission for Juno to answer questions about Jupiter's formation and composition.

exceed  (v)勝過;超過
· The police stopped Bernadette when she was driving because she was exceeding the speed limit. 【exceed the speed 超速】
· Because the sales department exceeded their sales goal by more than $60,000, everyone got a small bonus. 【exceed their goal 超越目標 】

exceed => exceeding 現在分詞
exceedingly  (ad)非常地;極度地
· Ramona was exceedingly grateful to the doctor for saving her life.【exceedingly grateful 極度感謝萬分感激 】

dwarf(n)朱儒;矮人。 (pl.複數) dwarves
· This tree is a dwarf, so it won't grow more than one meter tall.【dwarf tree 矮喬木】
· The Florence Cathedral, known as the Duomo, dwarfs all the surrounding buildings in Florence.
· Standing 2.286 meters, Tacko Fall of the Boston Celtics dwarfs most other players.顯得矮小
dwarf    小矮人:白雪公主中的, 真實中有= dwarfism 侏儒症(通常在135公分以下)
gnome  小矮人:電影魔戒中的, 真實中沒有
· Dwarves come from Norse mythology and live in mountains, forests or underground. Norse mythology 北歐神話
· Gnomes come from Renaissance mythology and usually live underground. gnome地精靈 小矮人, mythology神話

Jupiter / Jove vs. Zeus (希臘神話宙斯Zeus 在羅馬神話裏是Jove或稱Jupiter )

as+ (adj.)+as it is +(adj.)又~又~
>> It's a great way of saying that two adjectives can equally describe something.這是一個很好的說法,兩個形容詞可以同等地描述某事。
· And it's as puzzling as it is beautiful.又美麗又費疑猜
· This food is as tasty as it is cheap.   又好吃又便宜
>> human like creatures 人們喜歡的生物

(第二段)   The first five years of Juno's mission were spent just traveling through our solar system. Finally, in 2016, it reached its main objective : a polar orbit around Jupiter. Juno was set to begin a series of close observations of the planet. After the successful initial flyby, mission command prepared to fire up the spacecraft's main engine. That would shorten Juno's orbital period to 14 days allowing the craft to finish its mission by 2018. But a pre-check of the engine turned up a problem. It appeared some valves that control the amount of fuel that goes to the rocket weren't working properly. If the engine misfired, Juno could go off course or even be destroyed.

objective      (n) 目標,目的

orbit=track  (n) 軌道
orbital         (a) 軌道的 orbital period 軌道的周期

observation  (n) 觀察
observe        (v) 觀察

flyby=fly-past (n) 飛越  a flight past a point, especially the close approach of a spacecraft to a planet or moon for observation.經過一個點的飛行,尤指航天器接近行星或月球以進行觀察

initial    (a) 開始的,最初的

· His initial reaction was one of shock. 他最初的反應是震驚

mission command 任務指揮,任務命令
turn up   (v)令人意外地出現 =It kind of happened unexpectedly.

· Going to that garage sale was a great thing, it turned up many treasures for the customers.
· If someone comes late to a party, we might say, oh, look, who turned up! 【這裏 turn up=show up

polar      (a) ① 極地的
· When flying from Asia to North America, most planes take an Arctic polar route.
· Polar ears live in the Arctic, and penguins live in the Antarctic.

polar      (a) ② 截然相反的
· It is amazing that Ryan and Brenda got married because they seem like polar opposites in everything.

fire up (phr) ① 生火;點火
All of the racecars at the starting line fired up their engines and got ready to take off. take off 起飛
fire up (phr) ② 激發;煽動
· Everyone on the soccer team is fired up and ready to play their best against their biggest rival. 【is fired up 蓄勢待發】
· Brad fired up the grill so we could barbeque hot dogs and hamburgers for dinner.【fire up 點燃】

craft/spacecraft (n) 太空船

mission accomplished 完成任務 / mission accomplished successfully成功完成任務

● Apollo 13
>> The mission in Apollo 13 was to the Moon. 阿波羅 13 號的任務是登陸月球。
>> Jupiter has 79 moons.  木星有79顆衛星。

1. Bike Rental

rental shop 出租店


helmet 安全帽

A: I'd like to take my nephews biking by the riverside, but they're too young to use the YouBikes at the subway station.

B: There's a good bike rental shop near the riverside called Matt's Bikes. They have bikes for kids and adults.

A: Really?! That's great to know. I like to ride road bikes with multiple gears. Do they have those too?

B: Yes, they have 21-, 24- and 27-speed bikes.

A: Do they also rent bike helmets? I don't think my nephews have their own helmets.

B: Yes, they have bike helmets available.

A: That's good. Can I book the bikes in advance?

B: Sure. You can call or book on their website. It gets busy on weekends so it's a good idea to book ahead.

A: OK. Thanks for the tip!


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