JULIAN DENNISON - Will fame change this rising star from New Zealand?

關鍵詞prior, recognition, extraordinary, thoughtful, upcoming, highest-grossing

Julian's dream
"My dream is to love God, love people and to support my future family, and my mum and pops. And I also want to use my influence .. to (improve) the world of people who are less fortunate than me ...


兩年後,他獲選得以演出一部紐西蘭的電影《紙飛機》;不過,却是他的第三部電影為他贏得了國際肯定以及紐西蘭電影獎的最佳男主角獎。《神鬼嚎野人》是紐西蘭有史最成功的電影,並且還成為紐西蘭最賣座的電影。2018年時,這個年輕的演員和萊恩 · 雷諾斯一起出現於電影《死侍2》裡。
《死侍2》才上映幾週,朱利安就被相中和米莉芭比布朗一起演出電影《哥吉拉大戰金剛》。在朱利安尚且短暫的演員生涯裡,已經獲得非凡成功,可是他並沒有被成功沖昏頭。他認真看待自己代表家人、國家暨文化的重責大任。這個思慮周密的年輕人曾說:「身為一個年輕的毛利演員,我不想被當作童星;我想被視為一個能夠改變世界的認真演員。」When Julian was 11, auditions were held at his school for an upcoming film titled Shopping. Despite no prior acting experience, Julian won a part and then won the New Zealand Film Award for Best Supporting Actor!
Two years later, he was cast in Paper Planes, an Australian movie. It was his third movie, though, that won him international recognition and the New Zealand Film Award for Best Actor. Hunt for the Wilderpeople was the country's most successful movie ever and became New Zealand's highest-grossing film.In 2018, the young actor appeared in Dead Pool 2 with Ryan Reynolds. Just weeks after the movie's release, Julian was cast in Godzilla vs. Kong with Millie Bobby Brown.
In his short career, Julian has had extraordinary success, but he's not letting it go to his head. He takes the responsibility of representing his family, his country and his culture very seriously. The thoughtful young man once said, "As a young Maori actor, I don't want to be seen as a child star. I want to be seen as a serious actor who can change the world."

When Julian was 11, auditions試鏡 were held at his school for an upcoming即將來臨的 film titled Shopping.
Despite no prior在先的 acting experience, Julian won a part and then won the New Zealand Film Award for Best Supporting Actor!
Two years later, he was cast in Paper Planes, an Australian movie. It was his third movie, though, that won him international recognition and the New Zealand Film Award for Best Actor. Hunt for the Wilderpeople was the country's most successful movie ever and became New Zealand's highest-grossing film.

prior   (a) 在先的,在前的
· Jackson got the computer tech job even though he had no prior experience in the field.
· Clara has a prior conviction of robbery and has spent time in jail.
· Jeffrey said he had no prior knowledge that he was going to get an award at graduation.
· The job requires a college degree, but no prior work experience is necessary.
● tech技術 

● conviction 定罪 

● robbery搶劫 

● have spent time in待過. 現在完成式+pp
prior knowledge事前不知 
● get an award得獎 
● no
prior work experience  

recognition  (n) 認可肯定讚賞表揚
· In 1960 Jane Goodall received international recognition for her discovery that chimpanzees make and use tools.
· The movie "Hidden Figures" tells the stories of three black women who finally received recognition for their vital roles in advancing America's space program.
· In recognition of Barrie's invaluable service to his company, Barie received company stocks worth US$50,000.
· The scientist won international recognition for her discoveries in medicine.
● figure人物    
● vital 重要的關鍵的
● role角色,任務
● invaluable 無價的,極寶貴  

upcoming            (a) 即將發生的
highest-grossing (a)  票房最高的 ; gross 總額 ; gross profit  毛利
dairy (n) 乳製品

In 2018, the young actor appeared in Dead Pool 2 with Ryan Reynolds. Just weeks after the movie's release, Julian was cast in Godzilla vs. Kong with Millie Bobby Brown.
In his short career, Julian has had extraordinary非凡的 success, but he's not letting it go to his head沖昏頭. He takes the responsibility of representing his family, his country and his culture very seriously. The thoughtful young man once said, "As a young Maori actor, I don't want to be seen as a child star. I want to be seen as a serious actor who can change the world."

extraordinary (adj) 不尋常的,非凡的
· All of the athletes at the Olympics showed extraordinary talent in their various fields.
· Extraordinary people are known to support those around them because they want them to also become extraordinary.
· In last night's play, the actor gave an extraordinary performance.

extraordinarily (adv) 異常地,格外地
· Paul is an extraordinarily talented artist and won a scholarship to Sorbonne University in Paris.

thoughtful  (adj)細心周到的,體貼的
· Susan is such a thoughtful person, always looking for ways to help others.

thoughtful  (adj) 認真推敲的,考慮周密的
· Rob works slower than some in his office, but that is because he is very thoughtful when considering how to approach his designs.
· Dylan wrote a very thoughtful paper on climate change.

to let + (n) + go to one's head 讓~沖昏頭
● go to one's head沖昏某人的頭
>> He's not going to become an arrogant傲慢的 celebrity, because there are plenty of很多 those out there.

perceive (v) 注意,覺察到;認為,理解
· How do others perceive you?別人怎麼看待你?

● give a try     試一試
● hangout       閒晃, (與某人)混


The Maori are a people group who live in New Zealand and the Cook Islands. They are believed to have traveled to these areas from Other Polynesian Islands.


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