JULIAN DENNISON-(2-1-A)-Will fame change this rising star from New Zealand?
關鍵詞despite, currently, extremely, mate, autograph, Maori, heritage
( vs.= versus) 對(比), 比較
· Godzilla vs. Kong

· I saw Godzilla vs. Kong,  there's a young girl in that movie. she's so expressive表現力.
>>【實用句】she's so expressive. 她是如此出色表現。

· I've never seen a kid actor that expressive.我從沒見過這麼有表現力的童星。
>>【實用句】I've never seen... 我從未見過~ 

· Have you ever been impressed by child actors?  你曾童星印象深刻嗎?/你曾被童星感動過嗎?
>>【實用句】Have you ever been... 你曾經有過~~嗎? 
child actor 童星
· Wow, she's doing such a great job on screen! 哇,她在銀幕上做得如此出色!
>>【實用句】she's doing such a great job on ...她在~上做得如此出色。

● expressive  (a) 富有表現力  
● impressive  (a) 感人的,令人印象深刻的  


● 【時間副詞 still 】
在肯定句中,still 放在主要動詞前,或be、have、might、will 等助動詞後。 但如果主要動詞是Be動詞,則將 still 放在助動詞後。
在問句中,still 要放在主要動詞前。
· She's still a famous actor today.  她今天仍然是一個著名的演員。
· The rule is still in effect.  這條規則仍然有效。
· It's a wonder that he is still alive.  他還活著,真是奇蹟。


· She had some rough points in her life, had some challenges to get through, but she has a fantastic career now.她的生活中有一些坎坷,也有一些挑戰需要克服,但她現在的職業生涯非常棒。
● rough point 坎坷 
● get through 經過 


>> This is a trip down memory lane.
memory land 意思是“舊日的足跡”
· Playing those 1960s records was a trip down memory lane.
聽着一九六0年代的唱片, 我們好像回到過去那段令人愉快的時期.

[中文導讀] 朱利安 丹尼森(2-1-上)“暴漲聲勢能否搖動紐西蘭新星的初心?
朱利安 丹尼森現在只要出門就一定會被人認出來,特別是在紐西蘭自己的國家裡。










2021 AUGUST 17,18


Julian Dennison cannot go out these days without being recognized, especially at home in New Zealand. The young actor is believed to be one of New Zealand's most famous teenagers. Wherever he goes, Julian always has to sign autographs and take pictures with his fans. Despite all of the attention, he seems determined not to change or forget his roots.
Julian was born in Wellington, New Zealand, in October 2002 into a loving family. He is the second youngest of four children and has a twin brother named Christian. Julian's ancestors on his mother's side are Maori, and he is currently learning how to speak the Maori language. He is extremely proud of his heritage and has appeared on TV to encourage people to give the language a try.

In many ways, Julian led a normal teenage life, living at home, going to school and hanging out with his mates. These days his mates also include Ryan Reynolds, Sam Neill and Millie Bobby Brown. How did this young man from New Zealand become friends with these top celebrities?

Julian Dennison cannot go out these days without being recognized, especially at home in New Zealand. The young actor is believed to be one of New Zealand's most famous teenagers. Wherever he goes, Julian always has to sign autographs親筆簽名 and take pictures with his fans. despite all of the attention, he seems determined not to change or forget his roots. Julian was born in Wellington, New Zealand, in October 2002 into a loving family. He is the second youngest of four children and has a twin brother named Christian.

autograph   (n) 親筆簽名
· After I bought Celeste Stone's newest novel, I found it had her autograph on the front page.
· Frank has lots of posters of soccer players with their autographs decorating his bedroom walls.
autograph   (v) 親筆簽名
·Jeremy Lin autographed my basketball after the game last Saturday

despite    (介)儘管無論
· Paul went for a walk despite  the pouring rain.
· Sally and Amanda are good friends despite their age difference.
· Despite Laura's recent riding accident, she is still eager to get back on a horse.
despite oneself    (介)不得不,不由自主,忍不住

Sharleen had to rest on the hike despite herself because she had injured her ankle halfway up the mountain.

to change for the worse 變得更糟
>>Because a lot of people when they become famous or really popular, they get really proud驕傲 and arrogant自大傲慢, and that is a change for the worse.因為很多人成名了,或者真正走紅了,就變得非常的驕傲自大,這就是變壞了。
>>A celebrity who is becoming more famous. He is a rising star, and he's becoming even more famous.

these days = currently 最近,這些日子
· The restaurant is currently offering some new summer specials.

believed to be 被認為
>>It might not be a fact that you might read about in an encyclopedia百科全書, but a lot of people believe this.
· The young actor is believed to be 被認為 one of New Zealand's most famous teenagers.


  to forget one's roots

>>If someone forgets their roots, that means they forget where they came from and more importantly, they forget the people who helped them grow along the way to become the person they are now.

· Sue doesn't want to forget her roots, so she travels to her hometown as often as she can.
And it's good to think about where you've come from, where your roots are to know where you're going.

born into a + (adj)  + family 出生於~的家庭
· born into a loving family. 出生在一個充滿愛的家庭。
· born into a rich family. 出生在一個富有的家庭。
>>Their parents were rich already, so they were born into a rich family

fraternal twins vs. maternal / identical twins  異卵雙胞胎和母系/同卵雙胞胎
· They are fraternal twins. They don't look alike.

● Kia Ora! 紐西蘭毛伊族Maori 哈囉問候語


Julian's ancestors祖先 on his mother's side are Maori, and he is currently learning how to speak the Maori language. He is extremely極度地 proud of引以為榮 his heritage遺產 and has appeared on TV to encourage people to give the language a try.

In many ways, Julian led a normal teenage life, living at home, going to school and hanging out with his mates. These days his mates also include Ryan Reynolds, Sam Neill and Millie Bobby Brown. How did this young man from New Zealand become friends with these top celebrities?

I'll help you stay grounded保持腳踏實地.
   (中翻英的腳踏實地, 有時也說 down to earth)

extremely  (ad) 極度地,非常地
·  It is extremely difficult to pass Professor Schroeder's mid-term.
·  The demand for houses in this area is so great that prices are extremely high.
·  Lucas won't climb a ladder because he is extremely afraid of heights.
extreme (n) 極度
● in the extreme (phr.)極其,極度用來強調形容詞
·  Haley's reaction to not getting the job was one of anger in the extreme.

mate    (n)朋友伙伴=boddy
·  James goes camping every summer in the mountains with three of his best mates.
·  Addison and her mates like to spend time at the mall.
mate    (n)成雙成對的其中之一
·  I can't find the mate to my green sock.
mate    (n)配偶,伴侶
·  Some species of birds become mates for life.有些鳥類終生保持同一配偶。

proud of 值得驕傲 vs. proud 自大
·  Grandmother is proud of her grandchildren. 自豪,值得驕傲 (通常是好事)
·  I don't know about him, he is really proud.    自大,傲慢 (通常是負面)

She loves all the things that they've accomplished達到 in their lives and who they are.
But we continue here. In many ways, Julian led a normal teenage life.
Now, quickly before we move on, we have talked about that sentence pattern before, to lead a different
accomplished 完成了的;達到 了的;已實現的
acting 演戲;演出;演技
celebrity 名⼈ 名流

to lead a +(adj) + life 過著~的生活
· Some people like to lead a quiet life. That means they don't like to do a whole lot.
· Julian led a normal teenage life. 朱利安過著一般的青少年生活。

Talk About It

>> After reading the article, what do you think about Julian Dennison?




Key Points/ Unscramble the sentences to find the key points.

>>normal/even though/just/is famous,/he is/Julian Dennison/teenager in many ways

>>already appeared/in several/in his short career,/has/Julian/hit movies


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