● Monkey business 猢猻把戲 (胡鬧)
· Because monkey business could just refer to usually boys or little kids, um, just kind of being silly and maybe naughty in their behavior.

· 當某人參與 monkey business 的時候,這就是說這個人在胡鬧。這個短語也能用來表達那些不誠實或違規的行為。

interacted 互相影響
·  Have you ever interacted with monkeys?
trail 小路,步道,小徑 , Monkey Trail 在天母水管路
·  Even here in Taipei, there's a trail called Monkey Trail, and I've been there.
aside (ad) 在旁邊,撇開一邊 (n)離題的話,悄悄話
·  Well, you know, aside from the zoo, there's also a place in Bali, Indonesia, that's known for a famous temple as well as monkeys who like to interact with humans.

Monkey Business
懂得做生意的猴子,就是這麼犀利 !
一個來自加拿大萊斯布里奇大學的研究團隊仔細觀察了這些動物。他們花了兩百七十三天拍攝這些動物和人類之間的互動。一旦有猴子偷到一件物品,交易就會開始。廟方人員會拿食物給這隻猴子;然後猴子可能會接受那些食物或堅持不換以便要求更多食物。交易通常會持續幾分鐘。最長的一次交易成功、取回物品的等待時間是二十五分鐘。較年長的猴子還會教導較年幼的猴子。研究人員在這群靈長類動物的身上觀察到這種行為,至少已經有三十年了。Monkey Business  Some things are worth more than others to monkeys.
Long-tailed monkeys make their home around Pura Uluwatu, one of Bali's famous temples. The animals are fun to watch until they steal something! They watch for opportunities to grab tourists' belongings, such as glasses, hats, cameras and phones. They keep the belongings until the temple staff offers them food in exchange for the items. Somehow, these monkeys know which items have a higher value than others. They use that information to get more food for the better items. A team of researchers from the University of Lethbridge in Canada studied the animals. They spent 273 days filming the interactions between the animals and humans. Once a monkey had stolen an item, the bargaining would begin. A staff member would offer food to the monkey. It would either take the treat or hold out for more. The bargaining usually lasted several minutes. The longest wait for a successful return of an item was 25 minutes. The older monkeys teach the younger ones. This behavior has been noticed for at least 30 years in this population of primates.

>> Monkey Business  Some things are worth more than others to monkeys.
Long-tailed monkeys make their home around Pura Uluwatu, one of Bali's famous temples. The animals are fun to watch until they steal something! 他們在偷竊前一切都有趣, 直到偷竊 They watch for opportunities to grab tourists' belongings隨身物品, such as glasses, hats, cameras and phones. They keep the belongings until the temple staff offers them food in exchange交換 for the items. Somehow, these monkeys know which items have a higher value than others. They use that information to get more food for the better items. A team of researchers from the University of Lethbridge in Canada studied the animals.
>> There are tons.= There are very much.
Ton 除了作為重量單位外,還可用於比喻,意為「大量;許多」,可與 lot 的同義用法劃上等號,
   所以 a lot of、lots of、a lot 和 lots 亦有對應的 a ton of、tons of、a ton 和 tons。
   同樣地,a ton of 和 tons of 也都可接可數和不可數名詞。
●  而 a ton 和 tons 當副詞用,意為「非常」(much, very much),主要用於比較級之前。例:

· The new administrative行政的 assistant put on a ton of make-up. (新來的行政助理臉上塗了很厚的化妝品)

· I’ve got a ton of things to do. (我有很多事要做)

tourist       (n) 遊客・旅遊者
The tourists' suitcases were left on the bus when everyone went to the museum.

●  exchange  (n) ①交換
· Arthur offered Oscar his sandwich in exchange for Oscar's cheese and crackers.
· I gave Bonnie my spring jacket in exchange for a warmer coat because I was cold.
●  exchange  (n) ②交流
· Serena could hear Julia and Alice's heated exchange through her bedroom wall.
●  exchange  (v)交換
· Anthony needed to exchange the shirt that his mother gave him for a larger size.


"It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt."
· So that's when we usually say this phrase to encourage kids to be careful because it is fun and games until somebody gets hurt.

belongings   (pln) 擁有物:行李

 "Monkey see, monkey do"  形容小孩有樣學樣,或形容成人盲從.

They spent 273 days filming the interactions between the animals and humans. Once a monkey had stolen an item, the bargaining討價還價,殺價 would begin. A staff member would offer food to the monkey. It would either take the treat or hold out 堅持要求得到 for more. The bargaining usually lasted several minutes. The longest wait for a successful return of an item was 25 minutes. The older monkeys teach the younger ones. This behavior行為,舉止 has been noticed for at least 30 years in this population of primates.

bargain    (v) 交易,討價還價 (n)廉價品
· Bargaining in markets is something many people enjoy.
behavior  (n) 行為,舉止
· The little boy's behavior  didn't please his mother.
broom  (n) 掃帚
primate (n) 靈長類動物
watch for  (Phr.) 觀察等待
hold out     (Phr.) 堅持要求得到⋯

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