數百年来矗立在麗江古城中心的是「木府」,意即木氏住所;正是納西族的這個氏族在元,明,清三朝期間統治著麗江。木府建築採用最大族群漢族的風格为主,不過也可以看到納西族以及白族的影響。 The heart of Lijiang's Old Town for hundreds of years was the Mufu Palace, where the Mu clan lived. It was this clan of Naxi people that ruled Lijiang during the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. The Mufu's architecture follows the style of the Han majority ethnic group. But you can see the Naxi and Bai people's influence. |
The heart of Lijiang's Old Town for hundreds of years was the Mufu Palace, where the Mu clan氏族 lived. It was this clan of Naxi people that ruled Lijiang during the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. The Mufu's architecture建築風格 follows跟隨 the style of the Han majority ethnic group多民族. But you can see the Naxi and Bai people's influence.
● the heart of (something) (Phr.) ① 核心中央
· When Ron and Barb visited Rome, they went to the heart of the city to find a cafe to have lunch.
● the heart of (something) (Phr.) ② 關鍵所在
· Jealousy is at the heart of Owen and Henry's disagreement.
· Most children say that their mothers are the heart of their homes.
● the heart of (something) (Phr.) ② 關鍵所在
· Most children say that their mothers are the heart of their homes.
● clan (n) 氏族・家族,宗親
· The Lee clan was very important in the development of Wo Hang Village in the region of Hong Kong.
· Our whole clan got together for big Thanksgiving feast.
· Scotland is well known for ten famous clans.
· That clan has lived in this city for hundreds of years.
● dynasty (n) 朝代・王朝
· The civil war resulted in a new dynasty taking over.
● to follow (v) 跟隨;在此文有點類似是copy複製的意思
● be inspired by + (n) (v) 被啟發,靈感來自.. 有時指因為follow跟隨copy複製而風格類似
· Your art looks kind of similar there's something about it that was inspired by somebody else's.
● take a/one's cue from sb (phr)1.參考別人做法 2 靈感得自 3得到啟發
Lijiang is also a great place to see the beauty of the natural world. Lion Hill, which resembles類似 a sleeping lion, rises from the middle of the city. The Wangu Tower on the hill provides views of the Old Town and surrounding villages. The view also includes Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, the most southern snow-capped積雪 mountain north of the equator赤道. At 5,596 meters high, it offers an amazing view to those willing to climb it.
● equator (n) 赤道
· Areas close to the equator are usually warmer than areas far away from it.
● snow-capped (a) 蓄著雪的
● capped (a)過去分詞pp當形容詞 被蓋著的
● cap (n) 帽子,蓋, 最高限度限額
· He was wearing a black cap and jeans.
● cap (v) 蓋上, 給牙齒上釉
· Factory robots cap and seal bottles.
· Banks capped限額 the amount of cash clients can withdraw from their accounts to prevent and avoid fraud.
● Lion's share (n) 仗勢欺人. 出自伊索寓言,獅子最大的那份 share額度配額
· He took the lion's share of the pizza.
You can also see Jade Dragon Snow Mountain reflected in the waters of the Black Dragon Pool. This pool, located in Black Dragon Pool Park, is naturally formed形成 where springs泉水 flow together匯流. Lijiang's beauty, history and rich culture make it a fascinating迷人的 place to visit.
● fascinating (a) 迷人的:極有趣的
· When the researchers went to South America, they made some fascinating discoveries.
Key Points /Unscramble the sentences to find the key points. >> ethnic groups/Lijiang's history/by the interactions/and culture/of different/have been influenced >> and beautiful/ancient buildings/to Lijiang/visitors/natural scenery/can see |
>>答對, 以下正確
Lijiang's history and culture have been influenced by the interactions of different ethnic groups.
>>答對, 以下正確
visitors to Lijiang can see ancient buildings and beautiful natural scenery.