表達意見想法 (想、認為、覺得) 常見同義詞 :(從感性到理性)

◾Feel (完全陳述自己沒有理性的感受): I feel that you are making fun of me.

◾Think (參雜個人想法但不一定是事實的感受): I think this is crazy.

◾Find (經過觀察後表示個人想法): You don't think it's funny? I find it very amusing!

◾Figure (經過思索後表示個人想法): I figure (that) it won't hurt to try.

◾Gather (有一些事實依據的猜測想法): I gather that you don't want to go.

當中 find 跟 find out,還有 figure 跟 figure out 的用法比較容易搞混。順便解釋一下。有加 out 這個字就是有出路的意思,所以想要有結果或得出結論的陳述才用 find out/figure out。例如:

◾I find him attractive, but then find out he is gay.

◾I figure it's useless, but later figure out how to make it work.

I believe (無論事實依據一廂情願的想法) I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky.


中立表達自己意見的時候 :

  1. As for me, …      至於我呢,
  2. I would say that… / I’d like to say this       我是會這麼說的…..
  3. In my opinion / view, ….        我認為….
  4. I believe / feel / think that      我認為 / 覺得 / 相信...
  5. I'm convinced / sure that …       我會這樣說
  6. As far as I’m concerned….     就我而言…
  7. It seems to me that ...  在我看來 ...
  8. If you ask me….           如果你問我的話…
  9. The point is that….       我的觀點是…
  10. Personally, ...                就我個人而言


強烈表達自己意見的時候 :

  1. There's no doubt in my mind that … 我非常肯定...
  2. It's quite clear that…非常清楚的是...
  3. I'm positive that... 我確信...


  1. So do I.    我也這樣認為
  2. I agree (with you) completely /entirely.     我完全認同(你說的)
  3. I agree with you. / I agree with you that「你的想法」.我同意你說的…..
  4. I couldn't agree more.我非常同意!
  5. I feel the same way.    我有同樣的想法
  6. Exactly/ Of course      表示絕對、當然
  7. That's true.      那是真的。
  8. You're absolutely right.   你說得太對了!
  9. I think so too. / I don't think so either.我也是這麼認為。/ 我也不這麼認為。
  10. I hold the same opinion.我的意見跟你一樣。
  11. I'd go along with that.我贊成…..
  12. I have come to the same conclusion.我的結論跟你一樣。
Bob : How about we working in groups of four? There are too many of us!
Greg : I'd go along with that我贊成. We can work on different tasks at the same time. It'd be more efficient than we spending all the time and efforts on one matter together.
Matt : I can't agree more. Let's do it!



  1. I’m afraid I disagree.     我恐怕不是這麼想
  2. I'm not so sure about that. 我不確定耶!
  3. However,「我的想法內容」.     但是…,「我的想法內容」
  4. That's not entirely true. 那不完全是真的。
  5. I take a different view. 我的看法跟你不同。
  6. I think otherwise. 我跟你想的剛好相反。
  7. That's different. 那是不一樣的!
  8. I don't share your view.我的看法跟你不一樣。
  9. I disagree.  我不同意。
  10. I don’t think so.     我不這樣認為

Jason : It seems to me that hiking under such a bad weather is not a very wise move. It's too dangerous.

Susie : I don't think so. Yes it is a bit windy and rainy, but I'm sure it'd get better in the afternoon. We can go until the rain stops. I don't want to waste the whole weekend lying on sofa!

Manya : I'm not so sure about that, Susie.  I suppose Jason is right. We shouldn't risk our lives just because we want to have some fun. It's seems a bit irresponsible不負責任.

Susie : Oh well….I feel bad now. I guess I didn't think it through. I'm sure we can find something also interesting to do at home then.



  1. I don’t like to disagree with you, but …     我不喜歡反對你,但….
  2. All right, but don’t you think …     好吧,但你不覺得….
  3. … however …     然而 (這可舉出你部分同意的地方,再表述你覺得不好的地方)
  4. But what about …?    但關於…..方面呢?



  1. What I mean to say was …     我的意思是說….
  2. Let me repeat what I said …   讓我整理重申我剛講的是….


  1. What do you think about?     你覺得怎樣?
  2. How do you see it?     你怎麼看?
  3. What’s your view on the matter?    這件事你的看法如何?
  4. Let’s have your opinion.      讓我們聽聽你的意見


  1. Basically we’re in agreement.     基本上我們有共識
  2. I think we have agree to disagree.      我想我們有相同點與不同點
  3. I think we have different opinions.     我知道我們有歧見
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