南極vs北極 究竟哪邊比較冷? 你已決定好在下個假期去某個極端的地方,最好是沒有任何朋友造訪過的地方。有鑑於這個標準,你便開始思考世界上最偏遠的地方。經過仔細考慮後,你覺得北極和南極都符合要求。畢竟,平常很難近距離接觸北極的北熊和南極的企鵝的。不過,你不確定極端氣候的狀況,因此決定選擇兩者中較溫暖的地方。但是哪一個比較溫暖呢? 快速瀏覽一下兩的平均溫度,你就會有明確的答案了。北極比南極還暖。北極的夏季平均溫度是人們還能應付的0°C,而南極的夏季溫度相對冷上許多的28°C。同時,北極和南極的冬季平均溫度分別為-40°C和-76°C。是什麼造成這樣的差異呢? 這可歸結為每個區域的特性。北極主要海洋,有少量的土地和大量的冰。豐富的海水(水溫接近或在冰以上)有助於保持氣溫相對溫暖。同時,南極是塊多山的陸地,被一大片厚厚的冰層覆蓋。這在空氣和較暖的水之間形成了屏 障。強風和低降雨增添了寒意。此外,刺眼的白雪反射了陽光及其能提供的任何溫暖。 現在你知道下個假期應該去哪裡了吧。記得找個人跟你一起去,並給他們看看這個用的資訊 08.05 科普園地 Which Pole Is Colder? |
You've decided that for your next holiday, you want to go somewhere extreme, preferably to a place none of your friends has visited. With that criterion in mind, you start thinking of the most remote spots in the world. After careful consideration, you decide that the North Pole and the South Pole both "fit the bill". After all, it's hard to get up close and personal with polar bears in the Arctic and penguins in Antarctica. However, you're not sure about the extreme climate, so you decide to pick the warmer of the two. But which one is that?
● preferably (ad)最好
ㆍPlease clean the car, preferably with a hose and warm water.
● criterion (n)標準,準則(單數形)
● criteria (n)標準,準則(複數形)
ㆍThere are strict criteria for inclusion in the competition. 這項比賽的參賽標準很嚴格。
● consideration (n)考慮
● take... into consideration 将⋯列入考慮
ㆍI hope the boss will take my suggestion into consideration. 我希望老闆會將我的建議列入考慮。
● with...in mind 有鑑於/考慮到⋯
ㆍWith the students' needs in mind, our tests come in varying各種不同的 levels of difficulty難度. 考量到學生的需求,我們的測驗有各種不同的難度。
● fit the bill 完全符合要求/情形/目的
ㆍOnce you find someone who fits the bill, just go ahead and hire them. 一旦你找到符合需要的人選,就直接用他們吧。
● get up close and personal (with sb/sth) (與某人/某物)近距離接觸
ㆍAt the marine park, we were allowed to get up close and personal with the sea lions. 在那座海洋公園,我們得以和海獅近距離接觸。
● extreme (a)極端的
● the Arctic [ˈɑrktɪk] 北極(地區)
● Antarctica (a)南極(洲)
● the Antarctic 南極(地區)
A quick glance at the average temperatures of the two poles provides a clear answer. The North Pole is warmer than the South Pole. The average summertime temperature of the Arctic is a quite manageable 0°C, while the summer temperature in Antarctica is a rather bitter -28°C. Meanwhile, the mean winter temperatures in the North and South Pole are -40°C and -76°C, respectively. What accounts for the difference?
● glance (n)一瞥
● take a glance at... 瞥/看一下⋯
ㆍCan you take a glance at my essay?
● manageable (a)能應付的:易處理的
ㆍThe big dictionary is not a manageable size for a child.
● mean (a)(數值)平均的(僅用於名詞前)
ㆍThe mean monthly precipitation降雨量 of this area decreased last year.
● account for... 是⋯的原因;解釋⋯
ㆍRecent pressure at work may account for John's bad mood. 最近的工作壓力也許是讓約翰心情不好的原因。
It comes down to the specifics of each region. The Arctic is mainly ocean with a little bit of land and quite a bit of ice. The abundance of ocean water -- the water temperature being near or above freezing--helps keep the air temperature relatively warm. Meanwhile, Antarctica is mountainous land and is covered in a thick ice sheet. This creates a barrier between the air and the warmer water. Strong winds and low precipitation add to the cold.
● come down to N/V-ing 歸結為⋯ 主要取決於~
ㆍI think the election will come down to the candidates' dedication to their community.
● specifics (n)特性:詳情(恆用複數)
●a little bit of+不可數名詞 少量的⋯
●quite a bit of+不可數名詞 大量的⋯
ㆍThe key to Wendy's success was a lot of hard work and a little bit of luck. 溫蒂成功的關鍵是大量的努力加上少許的幸運
ㆍThere is quite a bit of evidence showing that listening to music can make a person smarter. 已有大量證據顯示聽音樂會使人更聰明。
● abundance (n)大量;豐富
● in abundance 豐富的
ㆍColorful flowers grow in abundance in the garden.
● mountainous (a)多山的
ㆍThe eastern part of Taiwan is mountainous and beautiful.
●be covered in / with... 被⋯覆蓋
ㆍTed was covered in mud after he fell into the pond. 泰德跌進池塘後全身沾滿了泥巴
● barrier (n)屏障(與介詞between並用
ㆍThe Rio Grande serves as a natural barrier between the US and Mexico.
● an ice sheet 冰層/蓋
● precipitation (n)降雨/雪量
Furthermore, the blinding white snow reflects the sunlight and any warmth it would offer.
Now you know which place you should go for your next holiday. Remember to find someone to go with you and show them this useful information.
● blinding (a)刺眼的,眩目的
● reflect (v)反射(光、熱等);映照(影像)
ㆍ The lake reflected the image of the little duckling.
● specification (n)標準:(汽車、建築、設備等的)明細規範(常用複數);具體要求
ㆍ The yard was built exactly to our specifications.
● duration (n)持續時間
ㆍThe duration of each training session will be about 40 minutes.
● encounter (v)遇到 = come across...
ㆍWe encountered several species of lizards on our hike.
ㆍAI come across his ex-wife at the bookstore.
● geological (a)地質(學)的
● continent (n)大陸,洲