垂直農耕:糧食生產新方向 高科技室內垂直農耕能拯救全世界嗎?
Is vertical farming taking food production in a different direction?
You're about to find out not all plants use soil or dirt.
How can that be?
Let's get into our first reading and find it.
●>>【實用句】 How can that be? 怎麼可能?
●>>【實用句】 Let's get into... 讓我們進入...
VERTICAL FARMING: Taking Food Production in a Different Direction |
● prediction (n) 預料・預言
ㆍElla's prediction about a fall in the stock market came true!
ㆍCan you make any predictions about who will win the basketball game tomorrow?
ㆍHe was afraid to make a prediction 做預測about who would win because both teams were strong.
● predict (v) 預料・預言
ㆍPreston predicted that the soccer game would be rained out and it actually was!
●suspend (v)
ㆍNatalie suspended some small toys from the ceiling over her son's bed.
Natalie 在她兒子床上的天花板上懸掛一些小玩具。
ㆍI suspended the balloon two meters above the ground by hanging it from a string.
ㆍThe judge decided to suspend the trial for two weeks.
ㆍBobby was suspended 被勒令停學from school for three days because he was caught 被捉到 stealing money from another student's Locker.
◎In theory, CEA allows growers to make predictions regarding harvest dates and yields with a high degree of accuracy while producing crops year round.
Note >>When I think of producing crops in the traditional way I think of maybe there is a certain time某時間 of the year when you can produce crops because the weather is just not appropriate合適 at other times of the year. 當我想到以傳統方式生產農作物時,我想也許一年中的某個時間可以生產農作物,因為一年中的其他時間天氣不合適。
It depends on the climate that you are growing in. 這取決於你生長的氣候。
But I know in some areas you can only have one crop per season一季一收 so this is great where you could actually grow a lot more food with an environment that's controlled被控制. 但我知道有些地區你每個季節只能種植一種作物,所以這很棒,你可以在可控的環境下種植更多的食物。<<
● year round (a)全年的
ㆍInstead of strawberry season just being in in Spring it can be all year round全年的.
ㆍInstead of only having mango smoothies in the summer , you can have mangoes all year round全年的.
● in theory / theoretically 在理論上
ㆍ" in theory" is supposed to happen or that's possible.
ㆍ理論上, 是應該發生的,或者那是可能的。
ㆍ In theory, it sounds like an amazing idea.
● in practice 在實行上
ㆍYour plan sounds fine in theory, but in practice, I'm not sure if it will work.
● harvest vs. yield 收穫與產量
Note >>There is a slight difference between a harvest in a yield. 收穫與產量之間略有不同。
ㆍThe crops that are produced, the amount of crops.
ㆍThe Harvest is not just be produced amount that you have is also what is actually gathered in.收穫不僅是您擁有的生產量,也是實際收集的數量。
ㆍA thousand shucks脫殼去皮 of corn that is the yield.一千個去皮玉米就是產量。
ㆍWhen you can actually gather in and you can only actually gather in about 800 that is the Harvest.當您真正可以收集並且實際上只能收集大約800個時,這就是收穫。<<
harvest, crop, yield 這些名詞都有“收成”之意 |
● crop : 收成,主要指農作物一次收割或一季的收成。 |
●harvest : 收穫量, 主要指農作物的收穫量,有時也指收割的行為。 ㆍthe grain/potato/grape harvest 穀物/馬鈴薯/葡萄 收穫 ㆍWe had a good harvest this year. 今年我們收成不錯。 ㆍFarmers are reporting a bumper (= very big) harvest this year. 農民說今年的收成非常好。 ㆍIt won't be long now till harvest (time). 現在離收穫時節不遠了。 |
● yield: 產量,主要指農作物的總產量。 ㆍCrop yields have risen steadily. 農作物產量穩步增長。 ㆍYields on gas and electricity shares are consistently high. 天然氣與電力股票的收益一直很高 ㆍa high crop yield 作物豐收 ㆍa reduction in milk yield 牛奶產量的降低 ㆍThis will give a yield of 10% on your investment. 這會給你的投資帶來10%的利潤。 |
◎A key feature of these highly-controlled environments is their soilless growing systems, meaning soil is not the medium which the plants are grown.
◎Instead, plants grow in water or air.
◎One kind of soilless growing system uses water to deliver nutrients to the plants.
>>Hydroponics is when water delivers nutrients. 水耕是指水提供養分。
●hydroponics 水耕,不使用土壤種植的技術
●aquaponics 魚菜共生
●aeroponics 氣耕,水耕的一種
◎Another uses fish to supply fertilizer to the water that feeds the plants.
◎A third kind of growing system sprays a nutrient-rich mist on the plant roots, which are suspended in the air.
● native soil native原生地,soil 代表土地,native soil就是你生長的國家或情感上的家鄉,故鄉
ㆍWhat is your native soil?
你從哪裡來的? 或是你的家鄉是哪一個國家?
ㆍYour native soil is the place you were born or the geographical location you feel is your home or you feel most at home in.
你的“native soil”是你出生的地方,或者你覺得是你的出生地,或者你覺得最自在的地方。
● mist (n)霧(v)噴霧澆水,使蒙上水氣
ㆍI am spraying you with some nutrient-rich mist, absolutely healthy.
◎Much as vertical farming seems to have great potential, it still has significant challenges to overcome before it can truly become the future of food production.
◎Building materials, operating costs and labor are all still too expensive for vertical farming to be viable.
◎The controlled. indoor environment presents another problem: In the absence of insects, pollination becomes a time-consuming and costly manual process.
◎Only time will tell if we can figure out a way to make large-scale vertical farming the answer to our future food production needs.
●nutrient (n) 養分,營養物
ㆍFresh, healthy foods such as green leafy vegetables have more nutrients than fast food.
●viable (a)
ㆍDo you think a new restaurant in this area will be financially viable.
ㆍIf our strategy isn't viable. our plan will never succeed.
如果我們的策略不可行。 我們的計劃永遠不會成功。
ㆍThe city government's solutions to the pollution problem in our neighborhood seems very viable.
● viability (n) 可行性
ㆍThe viability of the committee's plan to expand the sales department is questionable.
● pollination (n) 授粉作用
ㆍFlowers reproduce through the process of pollination.
● pollinate (v) 授粉
ㆍIf the bees do not continue to pollinate plants the world may run out of food.
ㆍIn order for these flowers to continue to develop, the female blooms need to be pollinated.
● much as = as much as, much as instead of as much as
ㆍMuch as I enjoyed my vacation it was great to come home again.= As much as I enjoyed my vacation I'm happy to be home.
● potential (a) 潛在的,潛力
ㆍThis has great potential if you have potential or if something has potential that means it has or it shows the ability to develop into something even better in the future.如果您有潛力,或某事物具有潛力,這意味著它具有或表明有能力在未來發展成為更好的事物,具有很大的潛力.
ㆍYour son has great potentialin math just needs to keep learning and keep striving.
● Manual vs. automatic 手動的與自動的
ㆍThe opposite of manual is automatic.手動的相反是自動。
● Manual (a) 手動的
ㆍIf something is done in a manual way that means it's done with your hands.
ㆍSome cars are manual that's where you actually have to change the gears with your hands.
● in the absence of 缺少
● (only)time will tell (只有)時間能證明
Talk About It >>Do you think vertical farming will become the future of food production? >>Why or why not? |