Innovative thinking and advanced technology are used in vertical farming to grow food more efficiently. Can it overcome the remaining obstacles and become the future of food production?

efficiently   (ad) 效率高地,有能力地    overcome   (v) 克服戰勝

VERTICAL FARMING: Taking Food Production in a Different Direction
Can high-tech indoor farming towers save the world?   
Our world has more people than ever before. We're also living longer on average than ever before. A bigger population means increased urban and industrial land development. With more people but less farmland, how will we feed everyone?
One possible solution to our increasing food demands is vertical farming, a method which attempts to grow the greatest amount of food using space more efficiently.
In vertical farming, food doesn't grow in the traditional way - horizontally in fields. Instead, trays of plants are stacked vertically in a tower structure, often in existing buildings. This method doesn't merely save space; its use of Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) also makes it more dependable than traditional farming.
    When farming in this manner, people often grow plants indoors, using CEA technology to control the light, temperature, humidity and air composition. This way, they don't have to os worry about the weather. Lights of various wavelengths are matched to each type of plant, giving the plants the precise amount and kind of light they need. Indoor farming also makes it easier to protect the plants from weeds, pests and disease. Artificial intelligence systems use bast data to help growers use water, fertilizer and electricity at maximum efficiency.




(Host description)>>Here is a question for you did you ever spend time on a farm?
At the time there were a lot of rice paddies水稻 around.
Actually, I lived on a farm for a year, my friend owned a huge chicken farm.
On this farm, there were many barns穀倉 but they were also crops農作物 all around the farm.
I didn't really help with the work on the farm.
I enjoyed living in The Farmhouse.
I'm sure you enjoyed eating some of the chicken, right? cuz they had so many chickens to spare.
It was kind of hard to connect that to actually eating them
t's kind of hard to connect that to actually eating them.
When you think of a farm do you think of a large outdoor area or a tall building?  
For me, I think of a large outdoor area naturally. what about you?
I do think of a large area I think I've seen farms in the landscape as I'm driving to the country.
Today we are going to learn how to farm in a building with our lesson called Vertical Farming.<<Host description


●barns穀倉 ●crop農作物 ●farmland/field農田
●cuz you 因為你,
cuz = because

◎Main Text◎
◎VERTICAL FARMING: Taking Food Production in a Different Direction. 
◎Can high-tech indoor farming towers save the world?   
◎Our world has more people than ever before. We're also living longer on average than ever before.
◎A bigger population means increased urban and industrial land development.
◎With more people but less farmland, how will we feed everyone?
◎One possible solution to our increasing food demands is vertical farming, a method which attempts to grow the greatest amount of food using space more efficiently.
◎In vertical farming, food doesn't grow in the traditional way - horizontally in fields.
◎Instead, trays of plants are stacked vertically in a tower structure, often in existing buildings.

vertical (a)  垂直的
You need to draw a couple of vertical lines to separate the columns.
I would like vertical blinds on my living room windows.
Helicopters can perform進行 vertical takeoffs起飛, but most airplanes can't.

vertically (ad)  垂直的
Should I hang the mirror vertically or not?

stack  (v) 把⋯疊成堆
After you stack those boxes, come and help me move this furniture.
Alex stacked the dishes too high, and the entire整個 pile fell over, breaking four plates.
Just stack your papers on the corner of my desk before you leave.

stack   (n) 一疊
Mary took the clothes out of the dryer, folded them and carried the entire整個 stack upstairs to put away.收好
on average   平均

(Host description)>>If you go in a different direction that could mean that your life was going down one direction or going in one way.
but now you've made a decision to make maybe it's a career change or something like that and your life is going in a different direction.
Uses the phrase a different direction to mean something else.
This lesson is talking about the way something grows do things grow up and down or side to side.<<(Host description)

(v) + in a different direction  朝不同的方向

(Host description)>>Our world has more people than ever before we're also living longer on average than ever before. Look this up right now it's the average International Global lifespan is 72.6 years. That's pretty high. It turns out that's higher than any one country in 1950. That's pretty impressive. 72 years is pretty high but there are a lot of people now you know growing living to be over a hundred years old.
That is true you know when I was a kid I didn't know anyone who was over a hundred years old.
But I have to say that now I know about three people who are over a hundred years old let alone更不用說 with the people that you hear about.<<(Host description)

我們的世界人口比以往任何時候都多,我們的平均壽命也比以往任何時候都長。 現在看看這個,國際全球的平均壽命是 72.6 歲。 這是相當高的。 事實證明,這比 1950 年的任何一個國家都要高。這令人印象深刻。 72 歲相當高,但現在你知道有很多人活到一百多歲。

ever before 以往
lifespan     壽命
over a hundred years old 超過100歲
>>【實用句】 I have to say   我不得不說
let alone     更不用說

(Host description)>>A bigger population means increased urban and Industrial land工業用地 Development with more people but less farmland. How will we feed everyone so you see there are a couple of different types of land mentioned here industrial land and farmland農田.
 What comes to your mind when you think of industrial land just comes to your mind when you think of industrial land?

The question is how will we feed everyone?
We have more and more people on the Earth.
How will humanity人類 manage to feed everyone food to eat? <<(Host description)


industrial land vs. farmland 工業用地與農田
>>【實用句】 What comes to your mind 你腦海出現什麼?

attempt  (v)(n)企圖,嘗試
humanity    (n)人類
horizon地平線 vs. parallel平行線 =共同點都是水平的horizontal
horizontally (ad) 水平地
When we write sentences from left to right, we're writing horizontally across the page.

◎Main Text◎
◎This method doesn't merely save space; its use of Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) also makes it more dependable than traditional farming.
◎When farming in this manner, people often grow plants indoors, using CEA technology to control the light, temperature, humidity and air composition.
◎This way, they don't have to os worry about the weather. Lights of various wavelengths are matched to each type of plant, giving the plants the precise amount and kind of light they need.
◎Indoor farming also makes it easier to protect the plants from weeds, pests and disease.
Artificial intelligence systems use bast data to help growers use water, fertilizer and electricity at maximum efficiency.

artificial intelligence (n)  人工智慧

fertilizer (n)  肥料
Your flowers will grow better with the proper fertilizer.

fertilize   (v) 撒肥料
ㆍThs farmer fertilizes his fields every spring, so his harvests are plentiful.

efficiency (n) 效率,效能
Our office needs to raise its rate of efficiency or some people will be let go.
ㆍThe car manufacturer prides itself on its factories' efficiency .
ㆍHarold decided he wanted to live alone, so he rented an efficiency apartment.
efficiency apartmen=起居室、廚房和寢區在同一個房間裡,有獨立盥洗室的)=一廳小套房,簡易寓房。

dependable (a) 可信可靠的
air composition 空氣成分, composition 組成成分
merely      (ad) 僅僅=only
wavelength (n)  波長
on the same wavelength (n)  觀點相投,合得來
ㆍWe are on the same wavelength

farm out  (v)  把工作包給別人做,尋求公司外部專業人士支援發(外包,轉包);起源於古西方國家地主交給佃農代耕種
The writer farm out some of his work.

green thumb 精於園藝
ㆍDo you have a green thumb?


Key Points: Complete the sentences below.
>> plants in trays in a _____ environment, saving space and _____ efficiency is what _____ farming is all about.
>>In _____ farming, plants are grown in _____ or air rather than _____, but there are still some obstacles that need to be overcome for it to become the _____ of farming.


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