Lijiang, China  麗江
This beautiful, ancient city has a rich history and culture.中國美麗古城 蘊含豐富歷史文化

Talk About It
What are some things you Iearn about in Liiang?

麗江作為不同民族貿易與交流的中心,已有百年歷史;該城位於雲南省,現在更因其歷史文化與風光景致,成為熱門觀光勝地。麗江古城以其鵝卵石街道和建於水渠上、綴滿鮮花的石橋為特有景色。除了許多餐廳和商店之外。麗江還保有諸多古老建築、公園和博物館。源自於該區的多元族群更影響了古城的建築風格;這些族群包括納西族、白族、彝族、藏族以及漢族。造訪麗江時,不妨也了解一下納西文化,納西的書寫系統、音樂、節慶都與主要的漢族文化有所不同。只有一小部分人熟悉的納西書寫系統,使用的是象形文字。這群人是全世界唯一仍在使用象形文字的族群。此外,來到麗江古城時,別忘了一定要欣賞傳統的納西古樂。位於古城中心廣場的四方街,人潮熙熙攘攘非常熱鬧,千萬別錯過品嘗該區各種獨特美食的機會。Lijiang, China
For hundreds of years, the city of Lijiang was a center of trade and communication between different ethnic groups. Located in the province of Yunnan, Lijiang is now a popular tourist destination because of its history, culture and scenery.          The Old Town of Lijang features cobblestone streets and stone bridges over canals decorated with flowers, It also has ancient buildings, parks and museums - along with plenty of restaurants and shops. Multiple ethnic groups, all of which were from that area, influenced the architecture of the Old Town. These include the Naxi(納西), Bai(白),Yi(彝),Tibetan(藏)and Han(漢) peoples. While visiting Lijiang, learn about Naxi culture, which differs from the majority Han culture in its writing system, music and festivals. The Naxi writing system, known only by a handful of people, uses hieroglyphs. This people group is the only one in the world that still uses hieroglyphs. Also be sure to enjoy traditional Naxi music in the Old Town.                      Sifang Street, located in the center of the town, hums with activity. Don't overlook the chance to try the different kinds of food that are distinctive to the area.       

For hundreds of years, the city of Lijiang was a center of trade and communication between different ethnic groups民族. Located in the province of Yunnan, Lijiang is now a popular tourist destination because of its history, culture and scenery風景. The Old Town of Lijang features cobblestone鵝卵石 streets and stone bridges over canals水渠運河 decorated with flowers, It also has ancient buildings古建築, parks and museums - along with plenty of大量的 restaurants and shops. Multiple ethnic groups多民族, all of which were from that area, influenced影響 the architecture建築風格 of the Old Town.

ethnic    (v)民族的,種族的
· The war that took place in the mid-90s in Eastern Europe involved涉及 ethnic cleansing種族滅絕.
· Bob and Sarah usually eat at different ethnic restaurants every week.
· The students at this school come from many different ethnic backgrounds.

● along with 介系詞片語 ①除此~還有
· Along with all the cool shops on this street are some really fun cafes.
● along with 介系詞片語 ②同時
· Frank said he wanted some ice cream along with his chocolate cake.
● along with 介系詞片語 ③一起
· Josie went to the sports store along with Hugh.
● Prepositional phrase 介系詞片語 a phrase beginning with a preposition 以介系詞開頭的片語

province vs. states vs. territory 省 vs. 州 vs. 地區
>> A province usually is when there's one country that has the same government, and it's divided its territories into different areas. But the rules mainly all come from the top. It's still kind of the same government.
However, a state is like when there are different kind of governing治理 areas that have all agreed to be part of a greater union.
Lijiang it's located in the province of Yunnan Province. I am from Canada and Canada has 10 provinces. In the United States, we call them States. In Canada, we have 10 provinces as I mentioned but we also have three territories.(加拿大的行政區劃是由10個省 province 和3個地區 territory 所組成) Cobblestone streets are made out of different rocks and they're put together to make a street.

● Cobblestone streets  鵝卵石街道
● Cobblestone building 鵝卵石建築

hotspot  (n)熱點
· That is a popular tourist destination旅遊目的地 we could also call this a hotspot because it's a place where lots of people like to go.
· When you're traveling you might want to check out the hotspots in the areas where you're traveling.

canal    (n) 渠;運河
· The Panama Canal connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

architecture       (n) 建築風格
· The architecture of that old church is really amazing.
● arch               (n) 拱形,拱橋
● architects       (n) 建築師
● architectural   (a) 建築的

old school  (n) 傳統的風格,老派
· The teacher is old school in his method of teaching.
retro            (n) 現代製造的復古風商品
· old school
traditional Values or Pathways of doing things we retro vintage to describe these things these terms are both talking about styles from the test you can have a vintage car or a retro jacket
vintage         (n) 保存良好歷史價值的精品
· Vintage usually means that it's something from past that is still in a good condition. It might be very valuable or hard to find.
· Retro is designed to look like it's from the past but it's been made more recently it might be a copy of a vintage piece.
· If you're really old school you'd probably choose to buy a real vintage item instead of the cheaper retro.

These include the Naxi(納西), Bai(白), Yi(彝), Tibetan(藏) and Han(漢) peoples. While visiting Lijiang, learn about Naxi culture, which differs from與~不同 the majority大多數 Han culture in its writing system書寫系統, music and festivals. The Naxi writing system, known only by a handful of 少數 people, uses hieroglyphs象形文字. This people group is the only one in the world that still uses hieroglyphs. Also be sure to enjoy traditional Naxi music in the Old Town.    

a handful of + (n)  少量,足夠
· I had a handful of people helped me today, we had more than enough help.

clarify (v)闡明,澄清
· Thank you for clarifying.

further 進一步地, 更遠地, 深一層
· I want to go a little bit further down into our reading.

numerous (a)很多的,大量的
· Despite numerous attempts, I have been unable to find a job. 儘管嘗試了很多次,我還是找不到工作。
despite   (介)儘管,雖然     ●  attempts (n)嘗試    have been unable to (現在完成式)已經無法
hieroglyph        (n) 象形文字・象形符號

Sifang Street, located in the center of the town,  hum with activity . Don't overlook the chance to try the different kinds of food that are distinctive有特色的 to the area.       

to hum/ buzz with + (n)

hum with activity      (Phr.) 熙熙攘攘 
hum  (n)嗡嗡聲(擬) = buzz
hum  (v) 哼歌,忙碌  = busy
· There's a buzz around the school.
· The school is buzzing with activity活躍 during lunchtime.

overlook    (v)

① 忽略,沒注意到
· Don't overlook the opportunity to visit the castles in Germany when you go to Europe.
· I overlooked that mistake when I edited my paper.

② 眺望,俯瞰
· The cliff overlooked the Colorado River.

overlook   (n) 觀察位置     a scenic overlook 觀景台,可眺望景色的場所
· We felt We Could See For Miles when we stopped at a Scenic Overlook by the ocean

distinctive   (a) 有特色的,與眾不同的  
· His voice was very distinctive.  他的聲音非常特別。


Usage Tip
This people group is the only one in the world that still uses hieroglyphs.
運用 :   the only + N + that + 形容詞子句   ; 先行詞 one 之前 the only 作為修飾, 強調其獨特性,因此由後面關係代名名詞引導出形容詞子句時,這關代只能用that。
其他一些特定的“先行詞”: the last、the same、the very、最高級形容詞、序數、不定代名詞( all/ any/ something/ anything/ nothing...) 都必須搭配 that , 不能用 who 或 which 取代
先行詞是指句子中被一個跟在後面的代名詞所代替的字群;這個字群通常是個名詞及其修飾語。 ... 代名詞his 代替名詞(先行詞)Jack。
· The old man, who had his wallet stolen, was in shock.


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