Since being introduced in 2021, Clubhouse's growth has been amazing. It wants to reach out to a bigger community and included Android users in the summer of 2021.

然而, 這個應用程式的真正價值並不在於名人的加持;而是為四處尋找社群團體的人提供了好去處。現在, 人們擁有的線上朋友比過去任何時候都還多, 但卻仍舊感到寂寞。Clubhouse之所以能在眾多應用程式中脫穎而出, 主要是因為它能讓用戶彼此連結交流。用戶能開心分享共同愛好或是進行深入討論。他們會覺得被傾聽、被欣賞。少了視訊影片, 他們甚至可以拋開不安全感, 真實表達自己的感受。           然而, 在這個自由表達的安全空間中, 有些問題也會逐漸出現。有些人在可以暢所欲言的地方, 便會用自身自由。隨著Clubouse會員人數愈漸增加, 仇恨言論及不實消息儼然已成為一個問題。放眼未來, 最為至關重要的便是, Clubhouse必須找到方法追蹤討論及保護使用戶。這個應用程式很可能會持續帶來巨大影響。只有時間能證明該影響究竟是有益, 還是有害。
The real value of the app doesn't come from the famous names, however. It provides an answer to people who are seeking community.                 These days people have more online friends than ever yet are still lonely. Clubhouse stands out from other apps in the way it helps users engage with others. They can laugh over common interests or have deep discussions. They can feel heard and appreciated. Without video, they can even drop some of their insecurities and say what they're feeling.              Yet with this safe space for expression, problems can occur, too. In a place where you can say anything, some don't use their freedom rightly. Hateful speech and false statements have become a problem as Clubhouse's membership has grown. Moving forward, it is important for Clubhouse to find a way to track discussions and
protect users.               This app will likely continue to have a great impact. Only time will tell whether that impact is helpful or harmful.

 The real value of the app doesn't come from the famous names, however. It provides an answer to people who are seeking尋找 community. These days people have more online friends than ever yet are still lonely. Clubhouse stands out from other apps in the way it helps users engage交往 with others. They can laugh over笑著談論 common interests or have deep discussions. They can feel heard被傾聽 and appreciated. Without video, they can even drop some of their insecurities不安全感 and say what they're feeling.

seeks    (v) 尋找:尋求
Ruby is Seeking a job找工作 in her field.
ㆍWhen we went to Africa we had to seek directions問路 from anyone who could speak English.
If you are seeking answers找答案 about the town's past, read the local record books.
seeks to (v) 試圖設法
The organization I am most involved with seeks to help設法幫助 women in poverty.

engage (v) 參與投入
It is hard to engage in conversation because he is so shy.
Jeremy was so engaged in putting the model plane together that he lost track of time.

I like to engage in friendly conversations with people on elevators.

engage (v) 訂婚 engagement  (n) 訂婚
Eliza and Chris got engaged on Valentine's Day.

>>All of a sudden the app like shut down like it stopped operating correctly.該應用程序就像關閉一樣停止正常運行。Somehow不知何故  everybody try to get on the app and try to get into that Clubhouse room. The rule is you're not allowed to record a room. it plays on that feeling of the fear of missing out is because once you miss a conversation if you're not on clubhouse then you can't go back and listen to it again.

to stand out vs. to stick out 突出 vs. 突出顯眼
stand out (Phr.) 顯眼・出眾


有關stand 用法
stand out 顯眼、突出
    ㆍHis height makes him stand out in the crowd. 他的身高使他在人群中特別突出。
stand up for sb/sth 挺身而出
You have to learn to stand up for yourself. 你必須學會為自己挺身而出。
stand by 準備行動
Please tell the ambulance to stand by in case of emergency. 請告訴救護車做好準備以防緊急事故發生。
stand in 頂替
I’ll be standing in for her while she’s away. 她不在時我會代替她。

meet me halfway
Breakfast and lunch might be too much. Can you meet me halfway with another idea?

>>Yet with this safe space for expression, problems can occur, too. In a place where you can say anything, some don't use their freedom rightly正確地. Hateful可惡可恨的 speech and false statements have become a problem as Clubhouse's membership has grown. Moving forward, it is important for Clubhouse to find a way to track追蹤discussions and protect users. This app will likely continue to have a great impact. Only time will tell whether that impact is helpful or harmful.

expression (n)

Freta's expression of how she feels about the new development is clear and concise.

Dance is my favorite form of artistic expression.

The expression on Sawyer's face he saw Faith was one of joy

Have you heard that old expression "waste not, want not".勤儉節約食穿不缺


impact     (n) ①深刻影響:衝擊
The professor's  impact on a student's was lasting.

The teacher's words had a lasting impaet on the young man.
 impact    (n) ②衝擊撞擊
Upon impact with brick wall Bob's Car caught on fire. The church is it true
impact    (v)影響
Who has impacted you the most in your life.


membership   (n)  會員資格 英文的字尾是用來表達一種狀態和身份

The society's membership is made up of many different kinds of people.

viewer看節目的人>>viewership 觀眾=audience



Usage Tip
Moving forward, it is important for Clubhouse to find a way to track discussions and protect users.
常用句型: It + be + adj. + for somebody to V ,意指「⋯ 一事對某人而言是很⋯的」;句中形容詞所修飾的對象為「事」,即為 to V 所指之事
對照句型: It + be + adj. + for somebody to V ,句中的 adj. 形容詞則是用來形容「人」,表示「某人做某事是很⋯的」adj. + for somebody

move forward (Phr.) 前進:前行


Key Points
>>Clubhouse is an invitation-only app that people use to discuss different topics.
>>Clubhouse can help people engage with one another, but the app needs to address some problems.


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