空中英語教室 8/20 木星探測器-朱諾號 Juno's Successful Mission To Jupiter
Exceeding expectations and awaiting new discoveries
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Juno's mission planners decided to keep the spacecraft on its longer orbit. It could still complete its mission but not until mid-2021. There was some concern that the strong radiation surrounding Jupiter would damage Juno's instruments before it could complete the number of planned flybys. But the spacecraft continued to perform beyond expectations. It was an astounding success. Scientists now know more about Jupiter's surprisingly strong magnetic fields than ever before. Juno's cameras recorded new storms and gave us the first picture of Jupiter's north pole. It even mapped Jupiter's gravitational field.
At the beginning of 2021, NASA announced mission extension, adding additional orbits of Jupiter well into 2025. Juno now also has new objectives to complete. Each additional orbit will bring it closer to some of Jupiter's largest moons: Ganymede, Europa and lo. The moons have their own mysteries to explore. The most notable might be whether or not the liquid oceans below Europa's frozen crust support life.
Once Juno reaches the end of its ability to send information to Earth, the spacecraft will be deorbited and burn up in Jupiter's atmosphere. But the Juno mission will long be remembered for its successes.
第一段 Juno's mission planners decided to keep the spacecraft on its longer orbit 軌道. It could still complete its mission完成任務 but not until mid-2021. There was some concern that the strong radiation surrounding Jupiter would damage Juno's instruments before it could complete the number of planned flybys. But the spacecraft continued to perform beyond expectations. It was an astounding震驚的 success. Scientists now know more about Jupiter's surprisingly strong magnetic fields磁場 than ever before. Juno's cameras recorded new storms and gave us the first picture of Jupiter's north pole. It even mapped Jupiter's gravitational field.
● radiation (n)(核)輻射
· The strong radiation belts around Earth are formed by magnetic fields磁場.
· After ten years, radiation from the nuclear power plant in northern Japan still affects the surrounding area.
· You must wear sunscreen when you're outside to protect your skin from the sun's radiation.
● radiate (v) 散發流露
· Faith is extremely popular because she radiates love and warmth to those around her.
· She radiates happiness and health. 她看起来幸福而健康。她散發著幸福和健康。
· Her voice hadn't changed but I felt the anger that radiated from her.儘管她聲音沒變,但我還是感受到了她所流露出的怒氣。
● astound (v) 使震驚
· My hometown is growing at an astounding rate.
· Everyone, including the judges, was astounded by some of the Olympic athletes.
· Jason Wu astounded everyone with his design of Michelle Obama's dress.
· Some of the feats that the gymnasts performed at the Olympics were astounding to watch.
· What an astounding Language Lab.多麼令人驚嘆的 Language Lab.
· This is astounding.
· I'm astounded.
· It astounds me.
· This is surprising.
· I'm surprised.
· It surprises me.
· I want to impress you.
· You impress me.
● instrument (n)器具 = tool 工具
· instruments control the spacecraft
· A speedometer that shows the speed how fast something is going would be an instrument that's part of the control panel a craft. speedometer里程計,control panel 控制面板
● above(ad) 超出 vs. beyond (ad) 超出
● exceeding expectations 超出預期,beyond expectations 超出預期
● to complete a mission
· 常見 mission complete or mission completed = accomplish this mission = finish this mission
● magnetic 磁的,磁性的● magnetic fields磁場
It's all about perspective.
● I love you to the moon and back.
第二段 At the beginning of 2021, NASA announced mission extension, adding additional orbits of Jupiter well into 2025. Juno now also has new objectives to complete. Each additional orbit will bring it closer to some of Jupiter's largest moons: Ganymede, Europa and lo. The moons have their own mysteries to explore. The most notable might be whether or not the liquid oceans below Europa's frozen crust support life.
Once Juno reaches the end of its ability to send information to Earth, the spacecraft will be deorbited and burn up in Jupiter's atmosphere. But the Juno mission will long be remembered for its successes.
● crust (n) (某物的)硬皮,外殼
· The Earth's crust, which is about 40-kilometers deep, contains all known life in the universe.
· My mom's pie crust is always light and flaky; it isdelicious.
· The moon's crust is made up of a dusty, rocky material
● crust (v) 結成硬皮,結痂
· Jolene's open sore crusted over as it slowly began to heal. open sore 傷口
● burn up (v) ① 著火燒毀
· Scientists have discovered heat shields to protect spacecraft from burning up when entering the Earth's atmosphere.
● burn up (v) ② 氣炸
· It just burned Joseph up that Fred got all the credit for their joint project.
● burn up (v) ③ 發燒
· I took Margie to the doctor last night because she was burning up with a high fever.
● well into (phr) 直到,深入到
· The soccer team will continue playing well into the summer. That means their season will continue through summer, almost close to the end of summer.足球隊將繼續打好到夏天。這意味著他們的賽季將持續到夏天,幾乎接近夏末。
· An excessive buildup of heat does not begin until well into the day.這一極端熱氣的情況一直沒發生,直到這天才形成。
well into the day = 直到這天
● well into 其他表述
· Rub the cream well into your skin. 將乳膏抹勻,使皮膚充分吸收。
· She had her first child well into middle age. 她初為人母時早已步入了中年。
· He works from dawn to dusk, and often well into the night. 他從早到晚地工作,經常工作到深夜。
● objective 目標=goal
· Juno now also has new objectives to complete. It has some goals it would like to accomplish.
Objective means a goal.
>> Gabe is crazy about these moons, one name of them is Io=> connect to the song..
Hi Ho Hi Ho (It's Off To Work We Go) by Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs.
● aliens 外星人
>>But even a small organism that lives somewhere outside of Earth would be considered an alien, right? 但即使是生活在地球以外某處的小有機體也會被視為外星人,對嗎? organism生物體,有機體
>> An astounding relationship has begun.
>> We've spent the last couple days up in space. It's time for us to come back down to earth.
● down to earth
· If someone is down to earth, that means they are more practical, reasonable and, of course, friendly. 如果有人腳踏實地,那意味著他們更實際、更通情達理,當然也更友好。
· They're open and honest. They're not arrogant but accept everyone equals. 他們是開放和誠實的。 他們並不傲慢,但接受每個人都是平等的。
· Are you a down-to-earth person? 你是一個腳踏實地的人嗎?
【fun phrase】
"to love someone to the moon and back"
"down to earth" 腳踏實地
Usage Tip |
Once Juno reaches the end of its ability to send information to Earth, the spacecraft will be deorbited and burn up in Jupiter's atmosphere. 句首的 once 在此為從屬連接詞.「一旦~就~;一~就~」幾乎等同 as soon as 的用法及含意。 同樣的 once 所引導的時間子句也不可使用表未來的 will 或 be going to, 必須以現在簡單式表達; 如本句"Once Juno reaches "中的 Once 引導的子句動詞使用 reaches 為現在簡單式 |
● dwarf (v) 使⋯相形見絀
The tomatoes on this plant dwarf all the other vegetables growing in my garden.
● spacecraft (n) 太空船
In 1977 NASA launched two spacecraft that are now traveling outside of our solar system.
● polar (adj) 兩極的
The storms over the polar regions of some planets form strange, spinning patterns.
● valve (n) 閥:活門
This valve shuts off all the water to our house.
● extension (n) 延伸:擴建部分
· The city council voted to fund an extension of the subway this year.
● Jovian system (n) 木星系統
● flyby (n) 近天體飛行
● orbital period (n) 軌道週期
● gravitation (n) 引
● deorbit (v) [di crbit 離軌道
● fireup開動(機器)
● turn up 突然出現
● off course 偏離航線
● be remembered for (something)因⋯·而名垂青史
● notable (a)值得注意的,顯著的