

解析英語20210817- 《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》(上) Alice Escapes Reality in Wonderland




      While walking through the meadow with her sister, seven-year-old Alice has a most unusual experience. She observes a rabbit dressed in human clothing staring at a pocket watch. After frantically commenting that he's running late, the rabbit jumps into a hole. Bemused by the situation, Alice decides to follow him. When she reaches the bottom, Alice discovers a small key that goes to a tiny door.
      Alice unlocks the door and sees a beautiful garden across the threshold, but she's too large to squeeze through the entrance. Feeling frustrated, she discovers a bottle labeled "Drink Me" nearby. After consuming the liquid, Alice shrinks to a miniature size. However, the key is now too large for her to carry. So, she takes a bite of a nearby cake which makes her grow into a giant. Frustrated by her inability to enter the garden, she starts to cry. Her tears transform the space into an ocean and she is carried away on the waves.
         When she reaches the shore, Alice wanders into a forest where she meets a caterpillar. He's smoking a water pipe and sitting atop a mushroom. The caterpillar explains that by eating different parts of the mushroom, she can grow or shrink. Afterwards, she meets the Cheshire Cat. He tells her that she's in a place called Wonderland, and everyone here has gone mad. Later, Alice wanders off and meets one of the rulers of this land, the Queen of Hearts. They play an unusual game of croquet in which flamingos are used as sticks and hedgehogs are the balls. Then, Alice attends the trial of the Knave of Hearts, who is accused of stealing tarts from the queen.

(第一段)      While walking through the meadow草地 with her sister, seven-year-old Alice has a most unusual不尋常的 experience. She observes a rabbit dressed in human clothing staring at盯著a pocket watch. After frantically忙亂地 commenting that he's running late, the rabbit jumps into a hole. Bemused by the situation, Alice decides to follow him. When she reaches the bottom, Alice discovers a small key that goes to通往 a tiny door.

meadow [ˈmɛdoʊ] 草地

unusual   a.不尋常的,奇特的
ㆍThis museum is full of unusual exhibits.這座博物館裡充滿許多奇特的展覽品。

frantically   adv.發狂似地:緊張忙亂地
ㆍThe team worked frantically to finish the project on time. 這個小組為了準時完企劃案而忙亂地工作。
ㆍShe clutched frantically at Emily's arm.她發狂般抓住艾米麗的手臂。clutched (n)①抓住②離合器

● comment   vt.說,評論,發表意見
ㆍJasmine commented that she didn't think David broke the vase on purpose. 潔思敏,她認為大衛不是故意要打破花瓶的。

● bemused /bɪˈmjuːzd/ adj  困惑不解的;茫然的
ㆍMary looked at her with a bemused expression. 瑪麗一臉茫然地看著她。a bemused expression一臉茫然】

stare at ~ = gaze at~    盯著⋯·⋯·看
ㆍBen stared blankly at the test paper in front of him. 阿班茫然地盯著眼前的考卷看。
blankly (adv) 不解地;困惑地;迷茫地
ㆍShe stared at him blankly. 她一臉困惑地注視著他。

(第二段)       Alice unlocks解開 the door and sees a beautiful garden across the threshold, but she's too large to squeeze擠進 through the entrance. Feeling frustrated, she discovers a bottle labeled被標上 "Drink Me" nearby. After consuming the liquid, Alice shrinks縮小 to a miniature size. However, the key is now too large for her to carry. So, she takes a bite of 咬一口 a nearby cake which makes her grow into a giant. Frustrated by her inability無力 to enter the garden, she starts to cry. Her tears transform the space into an ocean and she is carried away on the waves.

unlock  (v)解開解鎖
· Just use the key to unlock the padlock.用鑰匙就可以解鎖掛鎖。
· By bringing the phone close to the door, she unlocked it without needing a key at all.透過將手機拿到靠近車門的地方,她不用鑰匙也能解鎖車子。

squeeze  vi.擠過,擠進

ㆍSusan squeezed through the crowd and found a spot near the stage. 蘇珊擠過了人群,在靠近舞臺的地方找到了一個位置。
ㆍHe squeezed detergent over the dishes. 他往盤子上擠了些洗滌劑。
ㆍfreshly squeezed lemon juice 鮮榨檸檬汁

label    vt.貼標於:把・ ⋯稱為
label  A (as) B     把 A 稱為 B
ㆍ The file on the desk was labeled "classified." 桌上的那份文件被標上「機密」。
ㆍFrom the first day of school, Roy's teacher labeled him as a troublemaker. 羅伊在開學第一天就被老師稱為搗蛋鬼。

consume  vt.喝:吃
ㆍI try not to consume too much food before I go to bed. 睡覺前我試著別吃太多。

shrink vi.縮小;縮減 三態為: shrink, shrank, shrunk
ㆍThe company's staff has shrunk to 20. 該公司的員工縮減為二十人。

miniature a.迷你的,微型的
ㆍ There is a miniature version of that designer chair for children. 那張名牌椅有專為兒童設計的迷你款式。a miniature version迷你版縮小版】

inability  n.沒有能力,無法
ㆍSamantha feels depressed about her inability to give her children a better life. 莎曼珊感到沮喪,因為她無法讓她的孩子過更好的生活。

take a bite of... 咬一口⋯
ㆍAfter taking a bite of toast, the boy rushed to school. 咬了一口吐司後,這個小男孩就匆忙上學去。

transform A into B 將A變成B ● transform into  v. (使)改變; 改造; 改善
ㆍ The magician transformed the rabbit into a parrot. 魔術師將這隻兔子變成了鸚鵡。

(第三段)       When she reaches the shore岸, Alice wanders into a forest where she meets a caterpillar毛蟲. He's smoking a water pipe and sitting atop a mushroom. The caterpillar毛蟲 explains that by eating different parts of the mushroom, she can grow or shrink. Afterwards然後, she meets the Cheshire Cat柴郡貓(一種咧嘴貓). He tells her that she's in a place called Wonderland, and everyone here has gone mad發瘋. Later, Alice wanders off and meets one of the rulers of this land, the Queen of Hearts. They play an unusual game of croquet槌球 in which flamingos火鶴 are used as sticks and hedgehogs刺蝟 are the balls. Then, Alice attends the trial of the Knave of Hearts, who is accused of stealing tarts from the queen.

● shore [ʃɔr]  n. 岸on shore 在陸地上;在岸上

atop  prep.在 ⋯上面, 介系詞 atop=on the top of
ㆍMy cat enjoys sitting atop my bookshelf and watching what goes on. 我的貓很愛坐在我的書架上,看著發生了什麼事。

afterwards adv.之後,後來
ㆍEdward and I went to the movies last night. Afterwards, we had dinner. 昨晚愛德華和我去看電影。之後,我們去吃晚餐。

go mad / crazy / nuts / bananas 發瘋:極度興奮激動/勃然大怒
ㆍ The fans went mad when their favorite player hit a home run. 球迷們看到他們最喜歡的球員擊出全壘打時都欣喜若狂。

wander off  四處走
ㆍDon't wander off while I'm shopping. I don't want you to get lost. 我逛街時你別亂跑。我可不希望你走丟了。

croquet槌球 n.a game in which players hit a wooden ball through a series of hoops; the winner is the first to traverse all the hoops and hit a peg木樁.一種玩家通過一系列箍擊打木球的遊戲; 獲勝者是第一個穿過所有籃框並擊中釘子的人

attend the trial 出庭
ㆍAlice attends the trial of the Knave of Hearts.

accuse  (v) 控告
ㆍShe is accused of stealing tarts from the queen.【be accused of 被控告 】


★Grammar Tips
Bemused by the situation, Alice decides to follow him.
c.若該動詞為be動詞或have/has/had been時,變成現在分詞being或having been後可省略。也可以不省略,用來強調「因為」。
ㆍAl was disappointed by the result, he couldn't help but shed tears. (X)
->Disappointed by the result, Al couldn't help
but shed tears. (O)
ㆍTina has been bitten when she was five, she is afraid of dogs. (X)
->(Having been) Bitten when she was five,
Tina is afraid of dogs. (O)
※ 當主詞不同時,所形的分詞句構稱為「獨立分詞句構」,亦即獨立修飾不同主詞的分詞句構。
ㆍWeather permits, the picnic will be held at
the park. (X)
-> Weather permitting, the picnic will be held at the park. (O)
※ 否定句若變否定分詞構時,否定副詞not要置於分詞前。
ㆍBeing not hungry, Connie ate only part of her dinner. (X)
-> Not (being) hungry, Connie ate only part of her dinner. (O)
※ 有時第一個子句是主句,第二個子句是輔句,此時亦可化簡第二個子句使其變成分詞片語。
ㆍ I set out early, I knew that Dale was waiting for me. (X)
-> I set out early, knowing that Dale was waiting for me. (O)

All things___, Amy decided to go abroad for further studies.
(A) consider (B) considering (C) was considered (D) considered



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