大家說英語 AUGUST SERIES Anita Case: The New Assistant
關鍵詞 assistant, video, honestly, result, snake, go missing

0825 本課重點句型練習
●  Why don't you . . .?

ㆍ Why don't you want to go with us?

ㆍ Why don't you think saving money is important?

0825 重點文法 Grammar Point
Mike is happy to have Chloe's help, but he misses his friend Anita.
對等連接詞 but 表示轉折,強調句子前後間的對立,
用 but 連接兩個獨立的子句時, but 前要加逗號

ㆍStinky tofu may smell terrible, but it tastes really good!
ㆍ I know it sounds silly, but I like it.


Anita Case: The New Assistant
Detective Mike has a new assistant.
Her name is Chloe Hsu. She is helping Ace Agency while Anita is away.
Mike is happy to have Chloe's help, but he misses his friend Anita.
Anita is taking care of her sick mother and trying to work from home.
Today Anita and Mike have a video call.
"How is your new assistant, Mike?" asks Anita.
Mike is happy to have Chloe's help, but he misses his friend Anita.

Anita and Mike discuss an old case because Mike learned something new labout it.
"Do you remember Gina Kwan?" asks Mike.
"Yes," says Anita. "She went missing because of the Black Mask group!"
"Actually, she didn't," says Mike.
"Detective William Quinn is hiding her, so the Black Mask group can't find her."
"So she's safe? I'm glad," says Anita.
"But I honestly don't trust Quinn."
"Really?" says Mike. "He's a good detective! Why don't you trust Quinn?"

"Quinn often breaks the rules," Anita says. "I don't like that."
"Sometimes he does break the rules.
But he always has a good reason. And he gets results有成果," says Mike.
Anita and Mike talk a little more, and then they say goodbye.
Mike stands up from his desk.
He wants to get something from the drawer.
Suddenly, Mike sees a small package on the ground.
He walks over to it and opens it. It's a snake!

assistant (n)  助理

· Lucy's assistant is Benny.

video    (n) 影像:影片

· That's a video about bugs.
go missing (idiom) 失蹤

honestly (ad) 真正地(強調語氣)

· I honestly like your style.

result    (n) 成果

· The new plan got good results.

snake  (n)  蛇

· Did you see the snake?

    大家說英語 Anita SERIES
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