空中英語教室 2021 AUGUST Theme: ENVIRONMENT


未來建築新趨勢 Skyscrapers made of wood
關鍵詞 characterize, plywood, respectively, drastically, laminate, emission

Talk About It

>>Do you think plyscrapers will eventually replace buildings made of other materials?
   ● made of 被~製成

>>Why or why not?

★Usage Tip 本課學習文法技巧★

先看中文導讀 世界很多大城市都是以玻璃及金屬建構而成的高聳建築為特徵。





捨棄傳統建材而改採木材之舉, 將能大幅減少碳排放。

逐句閱讀英文     PLVSCRAPERS Skyscrapers made of wood

                       Many big cities around the world are characterized by towering structures made of glass and metal. But soon another building material may be added to the list : wood. A recent innovation in the construction industry involves laminating wooden boards. The boards are then pressed together using industrial wood presses, which use pressure and steam to connect the boards. The result is called cross-laminated timber (CLT), an extremely thick plywood that is strong, durable and fire-resistant. With CLY, people can build larger wooden structures than before. These structures, called plyscrapers (a word formed by combining "plywood" and "skyscraper") are popping up all over the world.
                     Already Vancouver, Canada, has a 19-story plyscraper, 20 and Vienna, Austria, and Milwaukee, USA, have 24-story and 25-story plyscrapers, respectively. Several plyscrapers top 60 meters, and one project in Norway is 85 meters high, making it the largest wooden tower in the world. Plyscrapers have the potential to be very good for the environment. The use of wood rather than traditional construction materials can drastically cut down on carbon emissions.

When plyscrapers break down (as all buildings do), their materials can be recycled or broken down naturally, leaving little pollution behind.

第一段             Many big cities around the world are characterized by towering structures made of glass and metal. But soon another building material may be added to the list : wood. A recent innovation in the construction industry involves laminating wooden boards. The boards are then pressed together using industrial wood presses, which use pressure and steam to connect the boards. The result is called cross-laminated timber (CLT), an extremely thick plywood that is strong, durable and fire-resistant. With CLY, people can build larger wooden structures than before. These structures, called plyscrapers (a word formed by combining "plywood" and "skyscraper") are popping up all over the world.


characterize (v) 特徵
· Colors and shapes characterize Monet's paintings.
· Most students characterize Mr. Bowman as interesting and kind-hearted, which is why they want to take his class. (as interesting and kind-hearted 既風趣又溫馨)
· This seaside town is characterized by grey-colored buildings and so much fog you can hardly see anything. (fog濃霧)

· His writing is characterized by long, descriptive sentences.

to laminate  (v) 層壓膠合, 層壓壓疊,用薄板覆蓋
The manufacturer laminates the wood he builds furniture with to make it stronger.
laminated   層壓的/ laminate 過去分詞當形容詞用
· Many companies now sell laminated furniture for a lot less than furniture made of solid wood.
laminate   (n)層壓板,層壓的材料
· Maureen put a woodgrain laminate on her kitchen counter to cover up the ugly green color it had been.

portmanteau (n)混合詞 複數portmanteaus

· brnch = breakfast + lunch
· spork = spoon + fork
· edutainment = education + entertainment

· smog = smoke + fog
· pokemon = pocket + monsters


made of  v.s  made from

① be made of   被…製成 ② be made from  由…製成
· The table is made of wood. 

· Bread is made from flour. 

③be made into  被製成、變成        ④be made up of  由…組成
原料經加工後做成成品。 組成成分
· Peanuts can be made into oil. 

·My class is made up of thirty students. 

The sky is the limit. Limit, 限制。 The sky's the limit. 天空是你的極限。意思就是說,沒有限制,一切都是可能的。
· Anything is possible.
· "Anything is possible because The sky's the limit."

plywood        (n) 夾板,合板

· Benjamin made a dresser for himself out of plywood. (dresser 梳妝台)

第二段       Already Vancouver, Canada, has a 19-story plyscraper, 20 and Vienna, Austria, and Milwaukee, USA, have 24-story and 25-story plyscrapers, respectively. Several plyscrapers top 60 meters, and one project in Norway is 85 meters high, making it the largest wooden tower in the world. Plyscrapers have the potential to be very good for the environment. The use of wood rather than traditional construction materials can drastically cut down on carbon emissions碳排放. When plyscrapers break down (as all buildings do), their materials can be recycled or broken down naturally, leaving little pollution behind.


drastically (adv) 劇烈地;大大地

· My article changed drastically between the first draft and the final draft.

· Our company had to drastically cut its budget last year.
· Walking down the street, Amy and Carter looked drastically different because she was in a coat and hat while he was in a light jacket and shorts.

drastic       (a) 相當大的
· Our company made drastic cuts in its budget last year. 我們公司去年大幅度的削減了預算。

break down   (phr) ①毀壊,故障
· After the tower broke down, the construction company recycled the materials and built a gymnasium.
· Nate's car broke down, so he had to have it fixed at the nearest car garage.
break down   (phr) ②崩潰,情緒失控
· Sofia broke down and cried when she found out that her best friend was moving to another city.


respectively (adv) 各自・分別

· Katie and her sister Emily are 16 and 14, respectively.


traditional materials 傳統材料 = steel and concrete 鋼材和混凝土

carbon emissions 碳排放量

emission    (n) 排放・發 cut down (on something)   減少,削減




★Usage Tip 本課學習文法技巧★


The result is called cross-laminated timber (CLT),

an extremely thick plywood that is strong, durable and fire-resistant.

同位語 (appositive) 是指緊接在先行詞之後的名詞、名詞片語或名詞子句,以作為補充說明之用。

同位語分為非限定性同位語 (non-restrictive appositive) 和限定性同位語 (restrictive appositive),




【There is a technological innovation that involves creating extremely thick and strong plywood boards, which are now being used to build large buildings called plyscrapers. These plyscrapers are environmentally friendly and not too expensive.】



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