未來建築新趨勢 Skyscrapers made of wood

關鍵詞 decay, incentive, legality, component

★Usage Tip 本課學習文法技巧★
With their practical and environmental benefits, plyscrapers may well become a major component of the cities of the future.
句型: S + may/might well + VR ⋯很可能; 有足夠理由⋯
句型: Well + may/might + S + VR

句型: S + may/might as well +VR     要不就⋯不妨/最好⋯
句型: S + may/might as well A as B  與其做B不如做A

-1第一段 中文導讀 “摩天木樓 未來建築新趨勢“




②-1第一段 英文本文 "PLVSCRAPERS Skyscrapers made of wood."

The idea of buildings made of wood may not sound environmentally friendly. After all, trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce the oxygen we breathe. But when trees die and begin to decay, much of that carbon dioxide is released back into the atmosphere. Cutting down trees that will soon die and using the timber keeps the carbon dioxide trapped. And if CLT becomes a popular building material, lumber companies will have incentive to plant more trees so they can continue making a profit in the future. (英文單詞數   86 )

-2 第二段 中文導讀不過,許多地方對於木造建築物的大小都有法律限制。






②-2第二段 英文本文 However, many places have laws limiting the size of buildings that can be built out of wood. Thus the biggest challenge to plyscraper construction is legality. However, the International Building Codes, which serve as the basis for many local regulations, now allow wooden buildings to reach up to 25 stories. As new research about the benefits and safety of plyscrapers emerges, regulations will likely be adjusted to make room for this new building material. For example, since CLT is fire-resistant, one major concern about the safety of such structures can be put to rest.

                              With their practical and environmental benefits, plyscrapers may well become a major component of the cities of the future.(英文單詞數: 113 )

第一段  中英內文筆記       
◎ The idea of buildings made of wood may not sound environmentally friendly.
=>sound environmentally friendly= v + ad + a

After all, trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce the oxygen we breathe.
=> After all 讀連音

◎ But when trees die and begin to decay, much of that carbon dioxide is released back into the atmosphere.

◎ Cutting down trees that will soon die and using the timber keeps the carbon dioxide trapped.

◎ And if CLT becomes a popular building material, lumber companies will have incentive to plant more trees so they can continue making a profit in the future.
如果 CLT 成為一種流行的建築材料,木材公司將有動力種植更多的樹木,以便他們在未來繼續盈利。

第一段  單字片語筆記       
decay = break down    (v) 腐蝕,衰敗

· When plants decay, they return nutrients to the soil.

incentive    (n) 誘因;激勵

· The laws there give people incentive to start their own businesses.


environmentally (ad)有關環保
· It may not sound environmentally friendly.


After all       (phr)畢竟,終究
· After all, trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce the oxygen we breathe.畢竟,樹木吸收二氧化碳並且產生供我們呼吸的氧氣。
· After all, I am defeated by him. 畢竟我打不過他。
· After all, I only discovered it. 畢竟,我只是發現了它。

absorb   (v) 吸收:take in or soak up (energy or a liquid or other substance) by chemical or physical action.

carbon dioxide 二氧化碳

第二段 中英內文筆記             
◎ However, many places have laws limiting the size of buildings that can be built out of wood.

Thus the biggest challenge to plyscraper construction is legality.
◎ However, the International Building Codes, which serve as the basis for many local regulations, now allow wooden buildings to reach up to 25 stories.
     然而,作為許多地方法規基礎的國際建築規範,現在允許木製建築高達 25 層。

◎ As new research about the benefits and safety of plyscrapers emerges, regulations will likely be adjusted to make room for this new building material.

◎ For example, since CLT is fire-resistant, one major concern about the safety of such structures can be put to rest.
     例如,由於 CLT 是耐火的,因此可以消除對此類結構安全性的一大擔憂。    

◎ With their practical and environmental benefits, plyscrapers may well become a major component of the cities of the future.

第二段  單字片語筆記       

legality    (n) 合法性

· The businessman hired lawyers to ensure the legality of the deal he wanted to make.



component   (n) ①零件,組成的部分


· Sam was happy to have finally found a major component he needed to build his boat.
component   (n) ②構成要素:成分
· Exercising and eating right are two key components to living in a healthy manner.
· One main component of any organization's budget is the cost of its staff.
· One component  of Lydia's plan to finish her novel writing five days a week

to serve as the basis for  作為基礎
to make room for              騰出空間

be put to rest 平息
to be put to rest (當put 是被動式=某事被平息停止)
· Nora and Chloe's argument was finally put to rest when their father proved to them that they were both wrong!
to put someone to rest (當put 是主動式+人=埋葬安葬)
· The family put their mother to rest next to their father under a tree that overlooks the ocean.
to put something to rest (當put 是主動式+事=平息某事)
· Josie finally decided to put the rumor to rest by telling everyone what had really happened.

lumber、timber、wood、log ... 都是“木材、木”之意。

lumber : 指伐下後未經削磨的木材,現多用於美國英語中。
· It was made of soft lumber, spruce by the look of it. 其製作材料是軟木,看起來像是雲杉。

timber : 指經過匠人初步加工的備用木材,多用於英國英語。
· He felled, peeled and hewed his own timber. 他自己砍樹、剝皮、劈成木材。
· Every piece of timber was planed, cut to size and stained with cedar preservative.

wood : 最普通用詞,含義廣,除表示“木材,木”外,還可用複數形式表示森林。
· Solid wood furniture is sturdy and durable. 實木家具結實耐用。
· We sanded and polished the wood floor in the living room. 我們將客廳的木地板打磨擦亮。

log : 指原木或圓木。
· He dumped the logs on the big stone hearth.他將一根根短棍木柴扔進巨大的石壁爐裡。
· dump (v) 扔,甩 過去式 dumped

edible utensils 食用器具  參考 空中英語教室 2016 Sep 16, 17 ENVIRONMENT Bakeys

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