解析英語20210825 -《花生醬知多少》Peanut butter From Fad Diets to Store Shelves.
第二次世界大戰期間, 美國政府鼓勵人們在肉類限制配給期間吃花生醬。

Peanut butter From Fad Diets to Store Shelves.


(A) Yet, brands today continue to market the spread as a health food.

(B) The origins of the modern-day popularity of peanut butter go back to a 19th-century sanitarium.

(C) This made it possible to ship jars to stores across the country without worrying about having to stir the peanut butter to keep it from spoiling.

(D) This created an easily digestible food that was served to guests at the Battle Creek Sanitarium, a health resort in Michigan.

《花生醬知多少》Peanut butter From Fad Diets to Store Shelves.
● fad  (n)流行,時尚 / the latest fad 最新流行
● diet (n)飲食

(A) Yet, brands today continue to market the spread as a health food.

★ yet 然而,表示語氣轉折,yet的前文會不同
● to market   (v) 當動詞為行銷(n當名詞為 市場
● the spread (v) 當動詞為塗抹  (n)當名詞為 抹醬


(B) The origins of the modern-day popularity of peanut butter go back to a 19th-century sanitarium.
★ origins的前文是將講以前
● go back to (phr.)回溯到,追溯到
● modern-day = contemporary (a)現代的
● sanitarium= sanatorium sanitarium療養院


(C) This前者 made it possible to ship運送 jars to stores across the country without worrying about having to stir the peanut butter to keep it from spoiling.
This指前者,是前者做成的, 前者使peanut butter不會壞掉
● made it possible 使它成為可能
● to keep it from spoiling 避免腐壞,spoili常指食物腐壞/避免食物become unfit for use, become unfit for consumption


(D) This created an easily digestible可以消化的 food that was served to guests at the Battle Creek Sanitarium, a health resort in Michigan.
★ This與前後文有關
● digestible可以消化的/ easily digestible 容易消化的
● easily digestible可以消化的

解析英語20210825 -《花生醬知多少》Peanut butter From Fad Diets to Store Shelves.
8/25 中文翻譯+正文

❶ Peanut butter is a childhood staple in America.
● staple n.主食

❷ The popular sandwich spread is a beloved snack that is often served with jelly or jam.
● beloved [bɪˈlʌvɪd](a)與 belove的過去分詞beloved [bɪˈlʌvd] 發音不同
● is often served with 通常搭配一起吃 be served with=在此大致相同 be prepared

❸ However, peanut butter wasn't always associated with kids and schoolbag lunches.

● associated with 聯想, 有關

_1    The origins of the modern-day popularity of peanut butter go back to a 19th-century sanitarium.

❺Peanuts have been around for millennia
since they were first cultivated by the Inca and have been eaten whole, crushed , and in paste form ever since then.


● millennia (n) 數千年

● cultivate  (v)種植;培養

● crush       vt.壓碎(本文為過去分詞作形容用

❻ However, it was John Harvey Kellogg who contributed to the popularity of peanut butter in the US.

● the popularity of  受歡迎、有人氣


❼ In 1896, Kellogg filed a patent for a "food compound " that was essentially boiled peanuts that were finely ground into a spread.

[這片語要背]。 filed a patent for 為~申請專利
● compound  n.化合物,混合體
● finely ground= finely副詞修飾 ground
● grind        vt.研磨,碾碎, 三態為:grind,ground,ground


__2__ ❽This created an easily digestible food that was served to guests at the Battle Creek Sanitarium, a health resort in Michigan.

❾Peanut butter was promoted by Kellogg as an alternative source of protein for vegetarians.

● promoted by 被推廣

● alternative   a.替代的,其他選擇的


Thanks to some notable clients, Kellogg's dietary views became popular, and this contributed to a rise in the number of people consuming peanut butter.

● Thanks to 多虧了
● notable = eminent 顯赫的 (a) 顯要的,值得注目的
● a rise = increase 增加
● the number of 數目

● consume =eat up, drink down


⓫ Though peanut butter was first marketed as a healthy, meat-free food, there were several other events that would catapult it to its current status as an American staple. 雖然花生醬最初是以健康肉的食品來銷,還有數起其他事件使宅躍升至目前作為一種美國主食的地位。

● marketed as

● catapult  (v)彈射;發射;以hurl投擲,以launch彈射


⓬ In the 1920s, a chemical process called partial hydrogenationwas used to keep the oil from separating in peanut butter.
● partial  hydrogenationwas 部分氫化的

  3_⓭ This made it possible to ship jars to stores across the country without worrying about having to stir the peanut butter to keep it from spoiling.

⓮Then during WWIl, the government encouraged people to eat peanut butter amid meat rationing.


● WWIl第二次世界大戰

● rationing  n.限制,定量配給


⓯Nowadays, peanut and other nut butters are more processed and a lot sweeter than any version advocated for by Kellogg.

● advocate  vt.倡導,鼓吹

  4_ ⓰Yet, brands today continue to market the spread as a health food.

⓱ Kellogg would likely reject most of those claims, though.

● likely = probably


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