空中英語教室 2021 Aug. Lesson2: PSYCHOLOGY 自我精進 系統思考 
Intellectual curiosity: The healthy appetite for hungry minds (字面翻譯/ 求知欲:飢餓頭腦的健康胃口)
Recover the power of wonder (字面翻譯/ 恢復奇蹟的力量)

求知若渴 Intellectual curiosity
找回求知欲望 撼動人生領域 Recover the power of wonder
 ● intellectual (n) 知識份子(a)知識的 an intellectual elite 知識精英  
 ● appetite (n)胃口,食慾,慾望 Loss of appetite is sometimes a sign of illness. 食慾不振有時是生病的徵兆。  

The pressures of modern life often make us feel too busy to be curious.


But intellectual curiosity can actually enhance our careers and relationships.
 ● enhance (v) 提高,增加 The beautiful views enhance your enjoyment of rambling.美麗的景色增強了你漫步的樂趣。

 類似字        hence  因此= therefore = thus, for the reason that
enhance  提高= increase = improve

Have you ever marveled驚嘆 at the stamina精力毅力 of a 3-year-old who's in the mood有興致 to ask why? 
 ● marvel (v)感到驚嘆·驚奇 She marveled at the speed, strength and skill of the Olympic gymnasts.她驚嘆於奧運體操運動員的速度,力量和技巧.

 ● stamina (v)精力毅力耐力  Marathon is a great test of stamina. 馬拉松是對耐力的極限挑戰。

 ● in the mood (phr.) 有興致 I am in the mood for a game of bridge.我想打一場橋牌。 

"It's time for your bath!" ... "Why?"
"Because we always wash ourselves before bed."... "Why?"
"'Because we want to be clean."... "Why?"
"Because getting in bed when we're dirty is yucky!"... "Why?"
 ● yucky (a)令人反感的 <-> yummy  
"Because, um .. . because I said so!"...  "But why?"

「因為我們睡覺前都要洗澡啊·」...「為什麼?」 「因為我們要乾乾淨淨的。」...「為什麼?」

「因為髒髒的上床會讓人討厭!」...「為什麼?」 「因為,嗯⋯因為我說了算!」... 「可是,為什麼?」

Unfortunately for many of us, our innate curiosity evaporates early on.
 ● innate (adj) 天生的 ,與生俱來的
ex1.Birds have
an innate ability與生俱來的 to know when to begin their migration and where to go.
ex2.Sheila seems to have had the
innate ability與生俱來的能力 to walk and dance gracefully since she was very young.

● innately (adv) 天生地
ex. Whales, along with other sea creatures, innately know how to swim. 

 ● evaporate (v)
ㆍIt is so dry here that a glass of water I sat on the table last night had evaporated by this morning. 

ㆍThe little girl's fear that she was lost evaporated when she saw her mother. 
ㆍAfter Julia disagreed with her boss at the departmental meeting, her rising career evaporated. 
ㆍWhen the villagers saw their army enter their town, their fear of the enemy evaporated

● early on 早期

【phrase】in the lap of luxury 含金湯匙出生

John grew up in the lap of luxury.約翰成長在富裕的環境中(含金湯匙出生)。

Can you remember - before the responsibilities of growing up consumed吞噬 us - when life had room空間 for wonder? 你是否記得 - 在成長的責任吞噬我們之前 - 生活還讓我們有感到驚奇的時光嗎?

Do you remember life before powerful commercial media had saturated滲透 our consumer-oriented daily environments and colonized our mental landscapes心思意念? 你可還記得在強大的商業媒體滲透進我們以消費者為導向的日常環境,然後殖民化我們的心思意念之前的生活嗎?

● saturate (v) 充滿 ; 使飽和

 ● The various candidates running for mayor saturated充滿 the city with information about their political beliefs.
 ● During elections politicians saturate all forms of media with ads. 
 ● The smell of baking bread
saturated the air inside and outside the bakery.
 ● saturate (v) 滲透浸透  The ground is so
saturated with water that everyone is worried about flooding. 

 ● colonize (v) 殖民地化  

Indulging沈浸,縱容 in the unbridled不受控制的,脫韁的 curiosity of childhood might not seem relevant to有關 our grown-up concerns. 沈浸於童年毫不受限的好奇心似乎與我們成年人的擔憂沒有關聯。

Or maybe it feels like a luxury that we just don't have the time for.

But nothing could be further from the truth.

If you Google "intellectual curiosity," you might be astonished驚訝 at what you find.
如果您在 Google 上搜索 “求知欲” ,您可能會對自己的發現感到驚訝
 ● astonish  (v) 使驚訝 When Bill forgave me, I was so astonished that I didn't know what to say!

According to numerous大量的 studies and articles, intellectual curiosity contributes有助於 to academic and professional專業的職業的 success and has a positive influence on personal relationships.根據大量研究和文獻,求知欲有助於學術和專業面向的成功,而且對人際關係也有正面影響。

So what exactly到底 is this surprisingly令人震驚的 powerful強大的 character性格 trait特徵? 那麼, 這種令人震驚的強大性格特徵究竟是什麼?
 ● trait (n) 特徵 Creativity is a human trait. 創造力是人類的特質。

      Key Points / Complete the sentences below.
>> The ____ of life often leave ____ room in our minds for ____ .
>> Developing curiosity as an adult character trait can lead to greater  ____, professional and  ____ success.

⬇️ Answer

     Key Points / Answer
>> The pressures of life often leave little room in our minds for curiosity.
>> Developing mature curiosity as an adult character trait can lead to greater academic, professional and relational success.


    空中英語教室 自我精進
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