空中英語教室 2021 Aug. Lesson2: PSYCHOLOGY 自我精進 系統思考 

  Talk About It
>>Did curiosity ever cause you to learn something the hard way as a child, like touching a hot stove or sticking your finger in an electric socket?

  ● the hard way 吃苦頭後學到  


◎Intellectual curiosity is an inclination to acquire knowledge.


Intellectual curiosity is an inclination to acquire knowledge. It is a mental attitude and a posture of active interest toward the world. It is also more deliberate and focused than the unharnessed and occasionally dangerous curiosity of childhood. When we were children, which of us learned the hard way that stoves are hot? But instead of a painful lesson, investing time and energy into learning about a particular thing for a particular purpose reaps professional and relational rewards. One study claims that a "hungry mind" is one of three top factors that influences academic performance.

求知欲是一種獲取知識的傾向。 它是一種精神態度,一種對世界積極感興趣的姿態。它也比童年時期未經利用且偶爾危險的好奇心更加深思熟慮和專注。 當我們還是孩子的時候,我們當中有誰學會了爐子是熱的? 但是,與其付出慘痛的教訓,不如投入時間和精力為特定目的學習特定事物,從而獲得專業和相關的回報。一項研究聲稱,“飢餓的頭腦”是影響學業成績的三大因素之一。


inclination (n)

When someone asks Jenny to do them a favor, her first inclination is to say yes, but she has learned to think before she answers.
At university I developed such a strong inclination to learn history that I made it my major.


My musical inclinations have led me to learn to play several instruments.


inclination of head (n) 傾斜度,傾斜往下,低頭
When Mr. Sawyer saw the inclinations of many of the children's heads after lunch, he told them to sit back and rest for 15 minutes.


posture (n)
Developing good posture when you walk and sit is good for your back.

Several countries in that region developed defensive postures after the area was threatened with invasion.
Even though he is the head of a company, Hugh always adopts a humble posture around his parents.
adopt擺出, adopt that pose擺那個姿勢)
Why do you always take an argumentative posture in conversations? It's so annoying!
    為什麼你在談話中總是採取爭論的姿態? 太煩人了!

learn the hard way / (phr.)  透過(自己的)痛苦經驗學到,吃苦頭後學到


● acquire 和以下動詞均含“獲得、取得、得到”之意
ㆍacquire 強調通過不斷的持續的努力而獲得某物,也指日積月累地漸漸地獲得。書面用語
ㆍobtain   較正式用詞,著重通過巨大努力、要求而得到所需或盼望已久的東西。
ㆍgain      側重指經過努力或有意識行動而取得某種成就或獲得某種利益或好處。
ㆍget       普通用詞使用廣泛,可指以任何方式得到某物,也不一定要經過努力。
ㆍwin       主要指通過努力、鬥爭、比賽等而獲得勝利。
ㆍearn     側重指依靠自己的勞動或因付出代價與有功而獲得。
ㆍsecure 強調要通過努力或競爭,或需要付出代價才能獲得所渴望的東西。


Curiosity killed the cat.

A lot of cats get in trouble because of their curiosity. That's why people say curiosity killed the cat when they don't want you to find out more about a certain topic engaged.
engage 參與,引起,吸引


Stop asking him questions - curiosity killed the cat.
別再問他問題了, 再問下去你可能會很慘


Other studies suggest that showing an interest in others will do more for our relationships than showing others how interesting we are.
Intellectually curious people enjoy socializing more and show less aggression in conflicts. Being curious about why others think and feel the way they do helps us empathize.
So ask questions! "How does this work?" "Why do it this way and not another way?" "Why do you feel like that?" "How did you reach that conclusion?" Cultivating intellectual curiosity helps us succeed professionally and also points the way to a friendlier, more interesting world.


◎Other studies suggest that showing an interest in others will do more for our relationships than showing others how interesting we are. 其他研究則指出,對他人表示感興趣比向別人展示自己多麼有趣,更有助於改善人際關係。

to do + (more/less) + for + (n) 
Drinking water will do more for your health than drinking soda.
Riding your bike to work will do more for the environment than taking your car. 騎自行車上班比開車更環保。
When one thing is more beneficial for now and then something else. 當一件事更有益時。

Intellectually curious people enjoy socializing more and show less aggression in conflicts.

intellectually (ad)
ㆍBecause Leo is intellectually challenged, he attends some special classes in the afternoons.
Leo 因為在智力上有障礙,所以他在下午去上一些特殊課程。

Intellectually Grace knows that Ted is bad for her, but emotionally she still wants to be with him.

 ● intellectual (a) 有才智的
ㆍWarren is very intellectual, so he should have no problem understanding the professors' discussion on their philosophy of life.
Warren才智很高, 他應該能了解教授在人生哲學上所做的討論。


aggression (n)  攻撃,挑釁
Playing rough sports like hockey and soccer help me deal with my anger and aggression.


Aggression is a kind of forcefulness it could be seen as kind of threatening behavior or words.
強力,有力 threatening(a)威脅的,threaten(v)威脅。

conflict (n) 衝突  可數名詞 conflicts 複數+s
conflict 這個詞以前常表具體東西的撞擊,現在常指衝突或對立。類似 argument, controversy。

◎Being curious about why others think and feel the way they do helps us empathize.

empathize (v) 同理, 有同感, 同情

ㆍShannon found it hard to empathize with her sister when she failed her exam because Kara had not studied at all.
Shannon發現妹妹Kara考試不及格, 是因為自己沒讀書時,她很難同情她
Dealing with disagreement is easier if the people involved can empathize with one another.


empathetic (a) 同理・有同感的
Because medicine involves the whole person, medical students take classes on how to be empathetic so they can better relate to their patients. 因為醫學牽涉到全人, 所以醫學院的學生要上課學習如何表達同理心, 這樣才更能同理病人的感受


empathy (n) 同理心・同情
Shannon had no empathy for Kara when she found out her sister failed her exam because she hadn't studied.
   當Shannon發現妹妹Kara考試不及格, 是因為自己沒讀書, 她很難同情她

"同情" 詞性變化

empathize  (v) 同理, 有同感, 同情

empathetic (a) 同理・有同感的
empathy     (n) 同理心・同情

◎So ask questions! "How does this work?" 因此,多問問題吧 !「這是如何運作的?」

◎"Why do it this way and not another way?" 「為什麼要這樣做而不那樣做?」

◎"Why do you feel like that?" 「為什麼你有那種感覺?」

◎"How did you reach that conclusion?" 「你是怎麼得到那個結論的?」

Cultivating intellectual curiosity helps us succeed professionally and also points the way to a friendlier, more interesting world.


to cultivate  栽培,培育,培養

I like that word cultivating when you cultivate something you develop it or you acquire it.
I use the word "cultivate" when it comes to gardens.
ㆍPeople need to make sure that their plants are growing properly, they're cultivating a garden.
   人們喜歡他們需要確保他們的植物正常生長,他們種植花園。properly (ad)好好兒地,適當地 /proper(a)適當的
And the idea here is you want to develop your intellectual curiosity that will make for a much more interesting world wealth.

point the way(to something) / (phr.) 指路・指出(更好的)方法



    自我精進 空中英語教室
    創作者 LadyLee 的頭像


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