"The world's most famous and popular language is music."
Pre-Reading - A. Warm-Up Questions
1. Which music genres are popular in your group of friends?
2. How is a famous singer or band member similar to an athlete?
3. How do musicians become famous these days? How does this differ from the past?
B. Vocabulary Preview - Match the words on the left with the correct meanings on the right.
1. make waves 掀起波瀾
2. emerge 出現
3. influence 影響
4. coin 硬幣
5. distinguish 區分
6. lyrical 抒情
7. vocalist 主唱
8. ban 禁止
9. scout 偵察
10. hit the billboards 1 打廣告牌
11. appeal 上訴
12. stand out 脫穎而出
13. take pride 驕傲
a) to come up with a new name or word 想出一個新名字或詞
b) to point out the differences 指出不同之處
c) to come forward for the first time 第一次挺身而出
d) a singer 歌手
e) to search for someone with talent 尋找有才能的人
f) to appear different from others, to be unique 顯得與眾不同,獨一無二
g) a prohibition, something that is not allowed 禁止,不允許的事情
h) to feel proud of one's achievements 為自己的成就感到自豪
i) to have a likeable quality 擁有令人喜愛的品質
j) to do something different or amazing that causes people to take notice 做一些不同的或令人驚奇的事情,引起人們的注意
k) to be included in the top entertainment charts 被列入頂級娛樂排行榜
l) carrying great emotion in the words and music of a song 一首歌的歌詞和音樂帶有強烈的情感
m) a factor that contributed or inspired 促成或啟發的因素
1. make waves => j) to do something different or amazing that causes people to take notice
2. emerge => c) to come forward for the first time
3. influence => m) a factor that contributed or inspired
4. coin => a) to come up with a new name or word
5. distinguish => b) to point out the differences
6. lyrical => l) carrying great emotion in the words and music of a song
7. vocalist => d) a singer
8. ban => g) a prohibition, something that is not allowed
9. scout => e) to search for someone with talent
10. hit the billboards => k) to be included in the top entertainment charts
11. appeal => i) to have a likeable quality
12. stand out => f) to appear different from others, to be unique
13. take pride => h) to feel proud of one's achievements
◎ appealed
◆The idea appealed to him. 這個想法吸引了他。
◎ emerge v.形成;興起
◆ The large-scale industry emerged only gradually as technology evolved. 大型工業是伴隨著技術的發展逐漸興起的。
compare and contrast 比較和對比