"We may appear to be choosing to use this technology, but in fact we are being dragged to it by the potential of short-term rewards." -Tony Dokoupil, Newsweek
A. Warm-Up Questions
1. How many hours a week do you spend on the Internet?
2. How have mobile phones changed your social life?
3. Is it possible to be addicted to the Internet?
B. Vocabulary Preview
Match up as many words and meanings as you can.
Check this exercise again after seeing the words in context on page 2.
1. validation n.認可,印證,生效
◆ Do you feel a sense of validation when your online post, link, or photo receives a lot of attention?
2. dopamine [ˈdoʊpəˌmin] n. 多巴胺: a monoamine neurotransmitter found in the brain and essential for the normal functioning of the central nervous system; as a drug (trade names Dopastat and Intropin) it is used to treat shock and hypotension一種在大腦中發現的單胺類神經遞質,對中樞神經系統的正常功能至關重要; 作為一種藥物(商品名 Dopastat 和 Intropin),它用於治療休克和低血壓
◎ hypotension低血壓= low blood pressure低血壓 (類似:to have a hypo 低血糖發作)
◆ The dopamine production in your brain is similar to the effects of drugs or alcohol.
3. interfere v.干擾
◆ When a habit or substance interferes with your daily life, it can be defined as an addiction.
4. incessant adj.不斷的連續的
◆ Incessant email checking and online chatting are a few examples of net addictions.
5. prevalent 流行普遍的= popular
◆ The rise of mobile devices has made Internet addiction more prevalent.
6. distracting adj. 轉移注意力,分心的 / v. distract的現在分詞
◆ to distract sb's attention 分散某人的注意力
◆ On the other hand, some people lose their jobs because their social networks are too distracting.
7. ailment n. 小病微恙
◆ Internet addiction can cause mental and physical ailments.
8. compulsion = force
◆ under compulsion 被迫
◆ The compulsion to surf the web may cause people to feel inferior or overwhelmed.
9. inferior
◆ The compulsion to surf the web may cause people to feel inferior or overwhelmed.
◆ Women were seen as inferior to men.
◆ to feel inferior 感到不如別人
◆ to make sb feel inferior 使某人自慚形穢
◆ to feel inferior to sb 感覺不如某人
◎ overwhelmed adj. 1. 情緒激動的;深受情緒影響的 2. 被壓垮的;不堪重負的
◆ Even at times when you may feel overwhelmed, always keep your sense of humor. 即便是感到無力承受的時候也總要保持幽默感。
◆ Sightseers may be a little overwhelmed by the crowds and noise. 擁擠的人群和喧鬧的噪音可能會讓遊客有些茫然不知所措。
◆ He was overwhelmed by the intensity of her love. 她熾烈的愛讓他感到難以承受。
◎ overwhelm v. 征服,壓倒,破壞,使不知所措;覆蓋,淹沒;打翻 壓倒;使不知所措;使無法忍受
◆ The horror of it all had overwhelmed me. 這件整個事帶來的恐懼讓我不知所措。
◆ He was overwhelmed by a longing for times past. 他萬分懷念往昔歲月。
◆ The need to talk to someone, anyone, overwhelmed her. 她迫不及待地要找個人說說話,隨便是誰都行。
10. virtual adj.虛擬的,幾乎的
◆ People are less likely to become addicted to virtual living if they are satisfied with their life and relationships in the real world.
1. validation
2. dopamine
3. interfere
4. incessant
5. prevalent
6. distracting
7. ailment
8. compulsion
9. inferior
10. virtual
a) something that exists online and not in the real world
b) to get in the way of something
c) feeling like a less important person compared to others
d) an illness (usually not serious)
e) common
f) repeated
g) a strong urge to do something (urge vs. arch) (vs. =versus[ˈvɜrsəs])
h) a chemical that makes you happy for a short time
i) taking a person's attention away from where it should be
j) a sense of value
1. validation |
j) a sense of value |
2. dopamine | h) a chemical that makes you happy for a short time |
3. interfere | b) to get in the way of something |
4. incessant | f) repeated |
5. prevalent | e) common |
6. distracting | i) taking a person's attention away from where it should be |
7. ailment | d) an illness (usually not serious) |
8. compulsion | g) a strong urge to do something |
9. inferior | c) feeling like a less important person compared to others |
10. virtual | a) something that exists online and not in the real world |
1. Do you feel a sense of validation when your online post, link, or photo receives a lot of attention? According to some experts, when you send or receive information on the Internet, you experience a short-term high. The dopamine production in your brain is similar to the effects of drugs or alcohol.
當您的線上發文、鏈接或照片受到很多關注時,您是否有一種被認可的感覺? 根據一些專家的說法,當您在互聯網上發送或接收信息時,您會體驗到短暫的高潮。 大腦中多巴胺的產生類似於藥物或酒精的作用。
2. When a habit or substance interferes with your daily life, it can be defined as an addiction. Incessant email checking and online chatting are a few examples of net addictions. Online gaming and shopping are others. The rise of mobile devices has made Internet addiction more prevalent.
當一種習慣或物質干擾你的日常生活時,它可以被定義為成癮。 不斷的電子郵件檢查和在線聊天是網絡成癮的幾個例子。 在線遊戲和購物是其他。 移動設備的興起使網絡成癮更加普遍。
◎ substance 物質
◆The mucous membranes filter out dust and toxic substances. 粘膜過濾掉灰塵和有毒物質。
3. Overuse of the Internet can be a source of conflict in relationships. A child or spouse may feel jealous about how much time a loved one spends online. People who socialize online instead of at home or at work risk losing their real-life relationships. On the other hand, some people lose their jobs because their social networks are too distracting.
過度使用互聯網可能是人際關係衝突的根源。 孩子或配偶可能會對所愛的人在網上花費的時間感到嫉妒。 在網上而不是在家或在工作場所進行社交活動的人可能會失去現實生活中的人際關係。 另一方面,有些人因為社交網絡太分散注意力而失業。
4. Internet addiction can cause mental and physical ailments. The compulsion to surf the web may cause people to feel inferior or overwhelmed. This can result in depression and even suicide. Spending too much time in front of a computer can also cause backaches, eye strain, and carpal tunnel syndrome.
網絡成癮會導致精神和身體疾病。上網的衝動可能會使人們感到自卑或不知所措。 這可能導致抑鬱甚至自殺。 在電腦前花費太多時間也會導致背痛、眼睛疲勞和腕管綜合症。carpal 腕骨
5. The Internet has worked its way into many areas of our lives. What can we do to avoid Internet addiction? Some experts suggest having a tech-free zone, such as a dinner table or family rooms. Leaving a smartphone out of reach while in a car or out with friends is also a good idea. People are less likely to become addicted to virtual living if they are satisfied with their life and relationships in the real world. Maintaining strong ties with real-life friends and family members is key!
互聯網已經進入我們生活的許多領域。 我們可以做些什麼來避免網絡成癮? 一些專家建議設立一個無技術區,例如餐桌或家庭活動室。 在車內或與朋友外出時,將智能手機放在遙不可及的地方也是一個好主意。 如果人們對現實世界中的生活和人際關係感到滿意,他們就不太可能沉迷於虛擬生活。 與現實生活中的朋友和家人保持牢固的聯繫是關鍵!
Vocabulary Review cont.
B. Word Families
Choose the best word from the following word family to complete each sentence: addict(s) / addicted / addictive
1. My sister is an Internet _________.
2. I'm _________ to Facebook.
3. There are many _________ in the chat room.
4. This game is _________ . I can't stop playing it!
5. Be careful. You may become _________ to that online club if you join it.
6. I don't believe that you can become _________ to email.
1. addict. 2. addicted 3. addicts 4. addictive 5.addict 6. addicted
1. My sister is an Internet addict.
2. I'm addicted to Facebook.
3. There are many addicts in the chat room.
4. This game is addictive. I can't stop playing it!
5. Be careful. You may become addict to that online club if you join it.
6. I don't believe that you can become addicted to email.
1. 我姐姐是網癮。
2. 我沉迷於 Facebook。
4.這個遊戲很容易上癮。 我無法停止播放它!
5. 小心。 如果您加入該在線俱樂部,您可能會對它上癮。
6. 我不相信你會沉迷於電子郵件。