空中英語教室 2021 SEPTEMBER. Lesson 11:  PROFILE: 媒體素養 多元文化
This gifted director is always in search of a story to tell
這位才華洋溢的導演 從不停止用鏡頭說故事

關鍵詞 comic, ridge山脊, inspiration靈感, humanity, splendid, reservation, Native American, Oscar
加強實用句型 They thought they had arrived in India.他們以為他們到了印度
拼字類似Settler定居者,Satellite 衛星

This gifted director is always in search of a story to tell
“看趙婷說故事“ 這位才洋溢的導演從不停止用鏡說故事

    Once during her years as a film school student, Zhao packed up her car and drove across the country. She ended up at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. She was inspired by the landscapes and the people. This inspiration led to her first feature film, Songs My Brothers Taught Me, about a teen who wants to leave the reservation.


    Zhao wrote her next story, The Rider, after meeting Native American cowboy Brady Jandreau. After that came Nomadland. It tells the true story of people who live in their vehicles and move from job to job throughout the West. In all three films, Zhao successfully captures the humanity found in America. 

趙婷隨後在與美洲原住民牛仔布雷迪·雅羅會面後,寫下了《重生騎士》。接著創作了《游牧人生》; 這部片描述真人真事,勾勒出一群以車為家的人,他們橫越整個西部以打零工維生,一個工作換過一個工作。在這三部長片中,趙婷都成功刻畫出在美國真實上演的人性故事。

    The spring of 2021 brought Zhao's films a number of awards. She made history when she became the first Asian woman to win an Oscar for Best Director.

2021年春天是趙婷電影收獲獎的時刻; 她更寫下歷史,成為首位獲得奧斯卡最佳導演獎的亞裔女性。
     All of this recognition has made Zhao one of Hollywood's most celebrated directors. The more famous she becomes, the more offers she receives. But no matter which offer Zhao chooses, she's sure to bring her splendid gift of storytelling to everything she does. 這些獎項的認可使得趙婷成為好萊塢最出名的導演之一。隨著名氣大增,趙婷的工作邀約變得更多。不過,無論她選擇執導什麼片,她肯定會憑藉著自己絕佳的說故事天賦來完成一切。



◎ Once during her years as a film school student, Zhao packed up her car and drove across the country.
◎ 趙婷曾在就讀電影學院的期間,將行李打包上車,驅車橫越美國;

◎ She ended up at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota.
◎ 最後在南達科他州的「松嶺印地安保留區」落腳。
●  ridge       (n) 山脊
·  It took us two hours to climb to the ridge of the mountain.

◎ She was inspired by the landscapes and the people.
◎ 她從當地景致及居民那裡汲取靈感;

◎ This inspiration led to her first feature film, Songs My Brothers Taught Me, about a teen who wants to leave the reservation.
◎ 繼而創作出自己的第一部劇情長片《哥哥教我唱的歌》,內容描述一名想要離開居留區的少年。
 led to   (v)導致,致使,繼而

 inspiration  (n) 靈感
·  The pretty young woman was the inspiration for the popular song.

●  reservation        (n) 保留地:居留地


◎ Zhao wrote her next story, The Rider, after meeting Native American cowboy Brady Jandreau.
◎ 趙婷隨後在與美洲原住民牛仔布雷迪·雅羅會面後,寫下了《重生騎士》。

●  Native American       (n) 美洲原住民,即禮貌稱印地安人
>> Well, honestly, Gabe, the first thing that came to mind with that question was my dad.
>> Well, he is German, but he loved Westerns.
>> It's one of the reasons he moved from Germany to Canada.
>> He grew up watching Westerns and wanted to experience that life.
>> Of course, he traveled a lot into the United States and went to all those areas where famous Westerns were filmed,
>> and he was a huge fan of Clint Eastwood.
>> When I think of that life, I think of those big landscapes with interesting rock formations and... cowboys
>> and Indians ... or we call them Native Americans, um, and just a lot of different..., uh, a different kind of way of life, right?
>> And you're talking about that... life that he saw on TV and in films.
>> And maybe there's some fighting involved or something.

>> For me, going to school in Canada, our teachers would always say, "Don't say 'Indian,' say 'Native Canadian.'"
>> Or now the PC term用語 is First Nations.
>> That's what we should refer to the first inhabitants居民 of our country.
>> There are politically correct政治正確 or appropriate things適當的話 that we should say in referring to提及 certain people groups or certain things, right?
>> And so initially the word "Indian," well, even today, it's referring to提及 people who come from the country of India.
>> And indeed, that's what some of these settlers定居者 first thought about Native Americans.
>> They thought they had arrived in India, and so this name "Indian" kind of stuck流行銘記even in North America.
>> But yes, in North America, in the United States, we will call them Native Americans.
>> You say in Canada they're called First Nations?
>> Well, her experience with Native Americans is partially部分 what inspired her to become interested in the types of stories she would tell with film.
>> Well, let's continue learning about Celebrated Storyteller Chloe Zhao now.

●  stick(v) p.p.stuck
●  stick in someone's mind / head

除了something sticks with someone,也可以用 stick in someone’s mind / head 來表示「某事物讓人記很久銘記在腦海」。
· The melody of this song is so beautiful that it stuck in my head all morning.這首歌的旋律太美了,以致於我整個早上腦中都是這旋律。

◎ After that came Nomadland. It tells the true story of people who live in their vehicles and move from job to job throughout the West.
◎ 接著創作了《游牧人生》; 這部片描述真人真事,勾勒出一群以車為家的人,他們橫越整個西部以打零工維生,一個工作換過一個工作。
● Nomadland 游牧

◎ In all three films, Zhao successfully captures the humanity found in America.
◎ 在這三部長片中,趙婷都成功刻畫出在美國真實上演的人性故事。 
●  humanity (n) 人性
·  Our shared humanity pushes us to help those in need.

◎ The spring of 2021 brought Zhao's films a number of awards.
◎ 2021年春天是趙婷電影收獲獎的時刻;

◎ She made history when she became the first Asian woman to win an Oscar for Best Director.
◎ 她更寫下歷史,成為首位獲得奧斯卡最佳導演獎的亞裔女性。

◎ All of this recognition has made Zhao one of Hollywood's most celebrated directors.
◎ 這些獎項的認可使得趙婷成為好萊塢最出名的導演之一。

The more famous she becomes, the more offers she receives.
◎ 隨著名氣大增,趙婷的工作邀約變得更多。

◎ But no matter which offer Zhao chooses, she's sure to bring her splendid gift of storytelling to everything she does.
◎ 不過,無論她選擇執導什麼片,她肯定會憑藉著自己絕佳的說故事天賦來完成一切。
●  splendid    (a) 極佳的·非常好的
·  We had a splendid time on our trip to Spain.


Usage Tip
The more famous she becomes, the more offers she receives.  
the + 比較級 , the + 比較級「愈⋯, 就愈⋯」,凸顯「漸進並進」的比較情境
第一個 more famous為形容詞 famo的比較級
第二個more為形容詞 many的比較級
還原後的兩組詞分别 she becomes more famous 以及 she receives more offers.


 ●  Oscar       (n) 奥斯卡金像獎
●  to the forefront     (Phr) 獲得重視:受到關注
●  take by storm        (Phr) 大獲成功
●  end up                   (Phr) 最後處於:以⋯告終



  1. 我從不跟別人作最終告別;我只會說『路上再見』。I don't ever say a final goodbye. I always just say, “I'll see you down the road.”
  2. 小時候別人都覺得你怪,但那是因為你比別人勇敢、誠實。When you were growing up you were eccentric to other people, you maybe seemed weird, but it was just because you were braver and more honest than other people.
  3. 家,只是一個名詞?抑或是心的歸屬?Home, is it just a word?Or is it something that you carry within you?
  4. 我不是無家者,我是無房者。I am not homeless, I am just houseless.
  5. 奇怪的是,你鼓勵大家將畢生積蓄用作投資,最後負債累累,只為了那間買不起的房子。It's strange that you encourage people to invest their whole life savings, go into debt, just to buy a house they can't afford.
  6. 留在回憶中就能長存,或許我這生都花太多時間在留念過去了。What’s remembered, lives. I may spent too much of my life just remembering.


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