空中英語教室 2021 SEPTEMBER. Lesson 10: LIFE SKILLS: 自我精進 規劃執行

How to make good decisions and avoid bad ones

關鍵詞     define, opportunity, risk, postpone, brainstorm, tempt
加強實用句型    We're out of time.

How to make good decisions and avoid bad ones 如何避免錯誤決定且做出正確決策

Define the problem
First, you need to define the problem you are facing. For example, let's say you are deciding what to study in college. There are so many choices! So you have to decide which major is the best one for you.

The next step is to think carefully about the decision and brainstorm your choices. You should research information about different majors and their career opportunities. It might be helpful for you to get out a paper and pen to organize your thoughts.

首先,必需確定自己眼下面臨的問題是什麼。例如,假設要決定大學念什麼科系; 由於選擇太多,因此你必須決定對自己最好的主修課程。

第二步仔細思考自己的決定,並針對所有選擇進腦力盪。你應該鎖定不同專業課程的資料及其個別就業機會仔細研究; 拿出紙筆好好整理一下自己的想法或許會有幫助。

Choose what to do
There are risks with every decision. There is no perfect choice. In the end, you have to be the one to determine what is right for you.

Act on your decision as soon as possible
If you postpone taking action, you will be tempted to change your mind. But if you act right away, you can move forward with purpose. It's time to take a leap of faith!

每一個決定都有風險; 天下沒有完美的選擇。到頭來,終歸是你必須決定什麼最適合你自己。




Define the problem

◎ 確定問題
 ● define             (v) 確定,界定
· The document clearly defined the problems the company was facing.

◎ First, you need to define the problem you are facing.
◎ 首先,必需確定自己眼下面臨的問題是什麼。

◎ For example, let's say you are deciding what to study in college.
◎ 例如,假設要決定大學念什麼科系;
● let's say ...   假設說... / Let’s Say / Let us say. 這句表達用語用於引入假設、想像,或者建議、舉例的情況。
· Let’s say your plan doesn’t work out. What would you do then? 假設你的計劃沒有成功, 那你會做什麼?

◎ There are so many choices!
◎ 由於選擇太多,

◎ So you have to decide which major is the best one for you.
◎ 因此你必須決定對自己最好的主修課程。

◎ Brainstorm

◎ 腦力激盪

◎ The next step is to think carefully about the decision and brainstorm your choices.
◎ 第二步仔細思考自己的決定,並針對所有選擇進腦力激盪。

◎ You should research information about different majors and their career opportunities.
◎ 你應該鎖定不同專業課程的資料及其個別就業機會仔細研究;
opportunity    (n) 機會,時機
· Janice leapt at the opportunity to take a trip to Europe this fall.

leapt (v) leap 過去式

◎ It might be helpful for you to get out a paper and pen to organize your thoughts.

◎ 拿出紙筆好好整理一下自己的想法或許會有幫助。

◎ Choose what to do

◎ 勇敢選擇

◎ There are risks with every decision.
◎ 每一個決定都有風險;
risk    (n) 風險,危險
· Anyone who plays sports faces the risk of getting injured.

◎ There is no perfect choice.
◎ 天下沒有完美的選擇。

◎ In the end, you have to be the one to determine what is right for you.

◎ 到頭來,終歸是你必須決定什麼最適合你自己。


◎ Act on your decision as soon as possible
◎ 積極行動

◎ If you postpone taking action, you will be tempted to change your mind.
◎ 如果一再延遲採取行動,就會優柔寡斷想要改變心意。
postpone (v) 延後,延緩
· We need to postpone the meeting until the boss is feeling better.

procrastinate  (v) 拖延
· Sam procrastinated on filing his taxes, and now they are overdue.薩姆拖延報稅,現在他們已經逾期了。
nagging 嘮叨
· I don't like nagging.我不喜歡嘮叨

tempt    (v) 吸引,打動
· Eric knew Irene was on a diet, but he tempted her with a piece of carrot cake anyway. 埃里克知道艾琳正在節食,但他還是用一塊胡蘿蔔蛋糕誘惑了她。
● temptation (n) 吸引,誘惑
· It is such a temptation to eat pasta for lunch even though I always get tired in the afternoon if I do. 午餐吃意大利面是一種誘惑,即使我在下午總是很累。
>> tempt     誘惑
>> attempt 試圖

attempt 試圖
·It's attempting to do something that you think or know you should do even though you're really not certain about the outcome or the results.

◎ But if you act right away, you can move forward with purpose.

◎ 但是,要是你立即採取行動,就能目標明確地向前邁進。

◎ It's time to take a leap of faith!
◎ 是時候該放手一搏了!("不要想太多,相信就是了")
leap of faith  (Phr)放手一搏,不容易的舉動

conscious (a) 有意識的
● go into (Phr)進入,討論
● in the end  (Phr)最後,終於



Usage Tip
 It might be helpful for you to get out a paper and pen to organize your thoughts.
常用句型: It + be + adj. + for somebody to V
句中形容詞所修飾的對象為「事」, 即為to V所指之事。
對照句型: It + be + adj. + of somebody to V


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