The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind
If you want to make it, all you have to do is try.
②逐句閱讀英文 The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind
If you want to make it, all you have to do is try.
The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind tells the true story of William Kamkwamba. He grew up in poverty in a small village in Malawi, Africa. He and his friends Geoffrey and Gilbert make what toys they have from trash. They attend Wimbe Primary School and help their families in the fields. William and Geoffrey become interested in radios and take them apart to understand the machinery inside. William looks forward to secondary school and taking science classes.
In December 2000, heavy rains make it impossible for farmers to plant their corn. Although worried about a terrible harvest, William begins trying to understand how bicycle dynamos work. They can light a bulb using the electricity generated by someone pedaling. He dreams of how his family's life would improve with electric power.
By December 2001, the corn supply in his village is nearly depleted, and families are starving. William learns that he has been accepted into secondary school, which will give him a chance to accomplish his goals. But soon after classes begin, William is forced to drop out because there is no money for his school tuition.
(課文標題) The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind
If you want to make it, all you have to do is try.
(第一段) The Boy Who Harnessed駕馭 the Wind tells the true story of William Kamkwamba. He grew up in poverty in a small village in Malawi, Africa. He and his friends Geoffrey and Gilbert make what toys they have from trash. They attend Wimbe Primary School and help their families in the fields. William and Geoffrey become interested in radios and take them apart to understand the machinery機器 inside. William looks forward to secondary school and taking science classes.
>> cardboard 厚紙板
● take apart (v+phr.) ① 拆開
· Tom took apart an old computer to get parts for a new computer he was building.
· The typhoon took apart several buildings in the coastal town. (coastal海岸)
● take apart (v+phr.) ②嚴厲抨擊
· After Lily's presentation, her professor totally took apart several of her key points.
● machinery (n) ① 機器機械
· The machinery inside a car engine has changed a great deal in the last 20 years.
· Heavy machinery was used to dig挖 tunnels under the city for the new subway system.
· The factory's machinery is very loud.
● machinery (n) ② 體系機制
· When governments change leadership, the political machinery also changes.
● harness (v) ① 駕馭 = drive
· The boy who harnessed the wind. 駕馭風的少年。
● harness (v) ②利用某種動力
· The dam harnessed the power of the river.大壩利用了河流的力量。
● harness (n) 馬具,挽具狀帶子,尤指繫在身上的背帶安全帶
· High chairs should have a harness to stop the child from slipping under or standing up. 高腳椅應該有帶,防止孩子滑落或背負。
>> Now, um, earlier this month we had talked about the word "unharnessed" and how a harness there might be related to something you put on a horse when you're driving the horse or you want the horse to take you around, right?
There are different kinds of harnesses because the idea behind a harness is controlling something.
Like, Andrea, have you ever been bungee jumping? bungee jumping 高空彈跳.
And... um, that's something that we had, you know, the thing we had to put on our body wasa kind of harness挽具背帶. As well as the bungee cord高空彈跳繩. 我們必須戴在身上的東西是一種安全帶。 以及彈力繩
>> But the harness is what we strapped to our body, um, so that we didn't, you know, fall to our death at the ground.
>> It's an important equipment. 是很重要的裝備。
>> Well, there are different kinds of harnesses because the idea behind a harness is controlling something.
>> I think it's used in kind of a metaphorical way because it's kind of impossible to control the wind.
>> However, he's going to make very good use of the wind.然而,他會很好地利用風。
● metaphorical (a) 比喻的
· The ride is the literal and metaphorical high point of the park. 無論是從字面意義還是從比喻意義上說,這趟都可以說是該公園遊覽的“頂級體驗”。
Have you ever been bungee jumping?
No, I haven't.
Yes, I have
● a true story 幾乎就是回憶錄 memoir
● memoir (n) 回憶錄、,自傳
>> And actually, I think that we could call this a memoir because this person, William Kamkwamba, wrote the story himself, and he's talking about his memories and the things that he experienced. 我認為我們可以稱它為回憶錄,因為他自己寫了這個故事,他在談論他的記憶和他經歷的事情
● in poverty vs. impoverished 貧困 與 貧困的
>> We use the word "poor" often if somebody does not have a lot of money. When you live in poverty貧困, you don't even have the things that you need, um, like essentials for life, sometimes it's water or shelter遮蔽 or food.
>>If someone is living in poverty, or a group, we might say that they are impoverished. That's kind of an adjective form of that word.
● to make it (v)做
· Did you make it from scratch? 你是從頭開始做的嗎?
● One man's trash is another man's treasure.
● take apart =disassemble 拆解
· They took apart a radio. We could say they disassembled a radio.
● tune in (phr) tune調頻 / tune in進入某頻道
Thank you for tuning in to our program.
● tune in (phr) 關注
The reporter is tuned in to the breaking news.
● tune in (phr) 關心需要
The teacher is tuned in to the needs of her students.
(課文標題) The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind
(第二段) In December 2000, heavy rains make it impossible for farmers to plant their corn. Although worried about a terrible harvest, William begins trying to understand how bicycle dynamos發電機 work. They can light a bulb燈泡 using the electricity generated發電 by someone pedaling人工踩踏. He dreams of how his family's life would improve with electric power. By December 2001, the corn supply in his village is nearly depleted用罄, and families are starving. William learns that he has been accepted into secondary school, which will give him a chance to accomplish his goals. But soon after classes begin, William is forced to drop out because there is no money for his school tuition學費.
● depleted (a) 消耗金錢精神資源...是deplete的過去分詞
· The fish stocks in the ocean are nearly depleted because of overfishing.
· Many people's resources資源 were depleted during Covid 19, so they needed to get food from food banks.
· The depleted water supply meant that people were forced to buy expensive bottled water to drink.
● deplete (v) 耗盡:使枯竭
· Fishermen are beginning to deplete the number of salmon in the Pacific Ocean by overfishing.漁民開始因過度捕撈而耗盡太平洋中鮭魚的數量。
· secondary school 中學=middle school +high school · high school = junior high+senior high |
● generate (v) 產生(能量等)
● drop out (phr.) 輟學・退學
· Having dropped out of college after the first year, Luke went back five years later to finish his degree.
· All of my groceries dropped out of my grocery sack because the bottom got wet.
· The kids dropped water balloons out of the second-floor window onto people walking below it. below之下
● to make impossible / possible 你讓它可能發生/不可能發生
· Heavy rains make it impossible for farmers to plant their corn.
· Isabella's family's financial situation made it impossible for her to go to university. 伊莎貝拉的家庭經濟狀況使她無法上大學。
· But then she got a scholarship, and that scholarship made it possible for her. 但是後來她獲得了獎學金,而這筆獎學金使她成為了可能。
● bike-a-thon 單車馬拉松
>> However, right now because, you know, he got curious about a bike, I hope you're curious about how to talk about a bike, especially a bike-a-thon because that's what we're gonna (going to) do right now.然而,現在因為,你知道,他對自行車很好奇,我希望你對如何談論自行車感到好奇,尤其是自行車馬拉松,因為那是我們要(將)做的正確的事情 現在。
● "If you want to make it, all you have to do is try."
>> But perhaps the most difficult part is just getting yourself to get around to doing it. 但也許最困難的部分就是讓自己有時間去做
>> Especially if it might be a little bit difficult. 特別是如果它可能有點困難
>> You don't look forward to it necessarily. 你不一定期待它。
>> But once you have your shoes on and you're out the door, OK, the hardest part sometimes is over. 但是一旦你穿上鞋子出門,有時最困難的部分就結束了。
>> That's kind of what it reminds me of.這就是它讓我想起的東西。
>> All you have to do is try, and you will improve, you'll see improvement.你所要做的就是嘗試,你會進步,你會看到進步。
>> Just take that first step, right? 邁出第一步,對吧?
>> Isn't it the journey begins one tiny step, or the thousand-mile journey begins with one tiny step.是不是旅程從一小步開始,或者千里旅程從一小步開始。
● dynamo (n) 發電機
· Bicycle dynamo 自行車發電機
● pedal (v) 踩踏板;騎腳踏車/(n) 踏板
· Jeff pedaled his bicycle up the hill.
Talk About It
>>What dream do you have that you would like to see come true?
關於 William Kamkwamba威廉.坎寬巴 的有趣事實:
ㆍ威廉與作家Bryan Mealer布萊恩.梅勒共同撰寫《馭風男孩》一書。
Interesting facts about William Kamkwamba:
ㆍWilliam wrote this book with writer Bryan Mealer.
ㆍWith help from an American sponsor, William attended Dartmouth College in New Hampshire.
ㆍHe graduated in 2014 with a degree in Environmental Studies.
ㆍWilliam is involved in many engineering and construction projects in his home county of Malawi.
ㆍIn 2019, The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind was adapted into a film.
Usage Tip
一般而言what 除了疑問詞或代名詞之外,還能作為表示「物」的複合關係代名詞=先行詞+關係代名詞。複合關代的兩大特色為:沒有先行詞,以及所引導之子句在句子中當「名詞」用。不過,本句what後面還接著名詞,toys,因此可知並非複合關代的用法,而是近似複合關係形容詞whatever「無論什麼~」之意,用以指定修飾其後的名詞。
He and his friends Geoffrey and Gilbert make what toys they have from trash. |