An authentic Japanese gastropub has just landed in town!

Ki Izakaya masters Japanese culinary arts and well crafts every detail using classic techniques and secret tricks to seamlessly combine and devise modern discovery of vivid tastes.
Ki Izakaya 掌握日本烹飪藝術,並使用經典技術和秘訣精心製作每一個細節,無縫結合併設計出對生動口味的現代發現。

Ki Izakaya embraces the convivial comfort of Japanese izakayas with Kempinski’s signature style and elegance. “Ki” can mean “mood” and “flavour”, while “izakaya” means “stay-drink-place”. Together, Ki Izakaya is a place that brings the best in mood and flavours that make guests want to stay and drink.

Inspired by the famous alleyway izakayas of Hozenji Yokocho in Osaka and Shinjuku Golden Gai in Tokyo, Ki Izakaya combines the urban eclectic feel and relaxed vibrancy found in these social centres. Cheerful lighting, cosy seating and cityscape panoramas create a welcoming ambiance for friends and colleagues to raise a glass or two while enjoying bites of Japanese favourites.

The izakaya concept is a centuries-old tradition in Japan, offering a relaxed location to truly savour not just food and drink, but also the company, sharing the moment. A refreshing beer follows sips of sake, all accompanied by small plates of tataki, gyoza and sashimi, ending with hearty fare of noodles or rice. This progression of shared moments encourages lively conversation and comradery, and Ki Izakaya is ideal for hosting such gatherings, formal or informal, as a discreet service facilitates a continuous flow for a fun, friendly experience.

Ki Izakaya features an impressive menu of small plates and one-dish meals to enjoy and share along with an extensive selection of highballs, whiskies and sakes, as well as six draught beers to choose from. Ki Izakaya invites you to toast a special occasion or bond over some yakitori and sake in your new favourite neighbourhood eatery. Ki Izakaya will set the mood as you create lasting memories.

Ki Izakaya 將日式居酒屋的歡樂舒適與凱賓斯基的標誌性風格和優雅相結合。 “Ki”可以表示“心情”和“味道”,而“izakaya”則表示“待喝”。一起,Ki Izakaya 是一個帶來最佳心情和風味的地方,讓客人想留下來喝酒。

受大阪法善寺橫丁著名的小巷居酒屋和東京新宿 Golden Gai 的啟發,Ki Izakaya 結合了這些社交中心的城市不拘一格的感覺和輕鬆的活力。歡快的燈光、舒適的座椅和城市景觀全景營造出溫馨的氛圍,讓朋友和同事在享用日本美食的同時舉起一兩杯酒。

居酒屋的概念是日本數百年的傳統,它提供了一個輕鬆的場所,不僅可以真正品嚐食物和飲料,還可以享受公司,分享這一刻。一口清酒之後是清爽的啤酒,伴隨著小盤的tataki、餃子和生魚片,最後是豐盛的麵條或米飯。這種共享時刻的進展鼓勵了熱烈的交談和同志情誼,Ki Izakaya 非常適合舉辦這種正式或非正式的聚會,因為謹慎的服務有助於持續流動,帶來有趣、友好的體驗。

Ki Izakaya 提供令人印象深刻的小盤菜單和單菜餐點,供您享用和分享,還有各種高球、威士忌和清酒,以及六種生啤酒可供選擇。 Ki Izakaya 邀請您在您最喜歡的附近新餐廳中為特殊場合敬酒或享用烤雞肉串和清酒。 Ki Izakaya 將為您營造持久的回憶。

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