Edible cutlery in india

· edible
· cutlery
biodegradable 可生物分解 · degradable可分解的 · degradability n.分解性
· rural  [ˈrʊrəl]  adj. 鄉村的,田園的,有鄉村特點的;生活於農村的;農業的

我曾經在報紙上讀過這個故事。 這位印度發明家創造了一種可食用的勺子,由小米、大米和小麥混合而成。 它看起來就像一個普通的木勺,但它是完全可生物降解的。

Edible cutlery in india
I read this story in the newspaper once. This Indian inventor created an edible spoon which is made of a combination of millet, rice, and wheat. It looks just like a normal wooden spoon, but it is totally biodegradable.

   He first got this idea from knowing how much plastic cutlery is wasted each year and it just keeps piling up. Plastic does not degrade in a natural environment, plus, it is not as safe as we thought because plastic is a chemical complex. Toxic substances will be released into food when the conditions are right, such as high temperatures or contact with oil.

· piling up    堆積如山
· chemical complex 化學複合物
· toxic substances 有毒物質 · substances 物質
· released into  釋放到
· when the conditions are right 在條件合適的情況下

   Therefore, an edible cutlery would be just the solution. His edible spoons even come in different flavors to compliment different dishes that you can choose from: plain, sweet or savory. I think it is really clever! However, his business did not take off rapidly.
· rapidly  [ˈræpɪdlɪ]   adv. 迅速地,立即

  Although he has the perfect recipe and idea to make edible cutlery, the cost of the making it is so much higher than making plastic cutlery. India is known as a poor country; the majority of the population cannot afford edible cutlery. He would have to market his environmental friendly product to a different consumer group.  I think he should promote the idea in the western countries where there is more environmental awareness. It might make his business more sustainable.

· consumer group 消費群體
· environmental awareness  環保意識

· make sustainable    使可持續 ·  
· sustain [səˈsteɪn] v. 支撐;遭受;=
· sustainable [səˈsteɪnəbəl] 可持續 ·例句 a sustainable recovery in consumer spending 消費者支出的可持續復甦
· sustainability  [səstenə'biliti] n. 持續性


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