groceries 超市內食品及其它物品總稱(food and other items found at a grocery store)
aisle (貨架之間的)通道 (walkways between two sections)
shopper/customer 顧客
shopping basket 購物籃 (handheld container for groceries)
shopping cart 購物推車 (wheeled vehicle for groceries)
checkout line 結賬等候隊
express checkout (line) (購買物品少於一定數量的)快速結賬通道(隊)
checkout counter 收銀台 (where groceries are scanned and paid for)
conveyor belt (收銀台上的)傳送帶
cash register 收銀機
cashier 收銀員 (person who receives money for groceries)
bagger/packer 將經過價格掃描後的物品裝入紙袋或塑料袋內的超市工作人員
coupons (購物)優惠券 (printed tickets that can be used to pay less for something bought)
paper bag 紙袋
plastic bag 塑料袋
scanner (掃描商品條碼的)掃描裝置
produce 農產品
scale 稱
receipt 購物小票 (a written statement saying that money has been paid)
discount 折扣(amount taken off the regular price)
weekly ad 促銷宣傳單 (papers showing what is on sale)
label 標籤 (item on groceries that gives ingredients and nutritional information)
- Feb 05 Sat 2022 12:00