Do you ever feel like you're not smart enough or good enough?
Are you afraid your classmates or coworkers will find out how inexperienced you are or how little you know? 你會不會害怕你的同學或同事發現你經驗不足或是孤陋寡聞呢?
Are you convinced that you only succeed due to pure luck and not because of your skills or abilities?
People with these anxieties might be experiencing something known as impostor syndrome.
An impostor is a person who acts like someone else in order to trick others.
People with impostor syndrome feel like they're pretending to be someone they're not, but they're actually not playing any tricks! 有此症狀的人會感覺他們在假裝成別人,但是他們其實沒有在耍任何把戲!
People feeling this way may tell themselves that they're not smart enough to be in the top class or not athletic enough to be on a sports team. 有這種感受的人可能會告訴自己,他們的聰明才智不足以成為頂尖的人,或是他們的體格不足以加入運動隊伍。
Those who suffer from impostor syndrome may devalue their own abilities and may not think they deserve praise when someone says they have done a good job. 那些有冒名頂替症候群的人可能會貶低自己的能力,而且當有人說他們做得很好時,他們不覺得自己值得別人的稱護。
Impostor syndrome is very common.
In fact, experts say 70% of us feel this way at some point in our lives.
It occurs more frequently when we start a new job or meet a new group of people.
Those who often feel like impostors may feel stressed, worried, or depressed and have low self-confidence. 那些常覺得自己是冒名頂替者的人可能會感到壓力、苦惱或憂鬱,並旦沒有自信。
This syndrome is believed to result from several factors, including personality traits, family background, and childhood memories. 此症候群據信起因於多種因素,包含個人性格、家庭背景和童年回憶。
1. inexperienced a.缺乏經驗的
◆ Sean may be inexperienced, but he has done a good job at work so far.
2. be convinced + that 子句 相信/確信⋯⋯
convince vt.使相信;說服
◆ Sara is deeply convinced that she will go to heaven after she dies.
◆ Frank always tries to convince his dad to quit smoking.
3. anxiety n.焦慮,不安
◆ You can take a vacation to relieve your anxiety.
4.trick vt.欺騙&n.詭計,把戲
play tricks / a trick (on sb) (對某人)惡作劇
◆ Elderly people are often tricked into buying useless items by advertisements.
◆ People like to play tricks on one another on April Fool's Day.
5. deserve vt. 應得・值得
◆ Ben works so hard that he deserves better pay.
6. frequently adv.經常地,頻繁地
◆ Diane drank too much water before bed so she used the toilet frequently last night.
7. result from ... 原因是/起因於 ⋯
◆ The mistakes Tom made resulted from his careless attitude.
8. background n.背景·經歷
◆ It's impolite to ask about one's family background when you first meet someone.
Tips in Use 重點解析
◎ enough 的用法
◆ enough 可作副詞或形容詞, 後面通常接不定詞片語( to + 原形動詞)或「 for + 名詞 」。
1. enough 作副詞時, 表「足夠可以」,通常置於形容詞或副詞後面修飾 (如文中用法) :
形容詞 / 副詞 + enough + to V / for N
◆ Sam is strong enough to move the huge rock.
◆ Jan has prepared well enough for the interview.
2. enough作形容詞時,表「足夠的」,置於名詞前修飾:
enough+名詞 +to V/ for N
◆ Rita hopes that she will have enough time to get everything done today.
◆ Clay doesn't have enough money for the car he wants to buy.
補充詞彙 Extra Words & Phrases
◆ impostor syndrome冒名頂替症候群
◆ impostor n.騙子·冒充者
◆ syndrome n.症候群
◆ hold sb back 阻礙某人
◆ athletic a.體格健壯的
◆ devalue vt.貶低;(使)貶值
◆ depressed a.感到/沮的
◆ trait n.特質,特性
1. 健康問題可能起因於不良的飲食習慣。
◆ Health problems may poor eating habits.
2. 山姆喜歡對他妹妹惡作劇。
◆ Sam likes to on his sister.
3. 那個店員確信是那名男子偷了錢。
◆ The clerk is that the man stole the money.
You Can Do This
1. result from 2. play tricks 3. convinced
1. 健康問題可能起因於不良的飲食習慣。
◆ Health problems may result from poor eating habits.
2. 山姆喜歡對他妹妹惡作劇。
◆ Sam likes to play tricks on his sister.
3. 那個店員確信是那名男子偷了錢。
◆ The clerk is convinced that the man stole the money.