句型翻譯: 題目





4.David 出發去海邊看日落,發現海邊擠滿了人潮。


句型翻譯: 答案

① But for everyone's hard work, we wouldn't have completed this project on time.

② If it hadn't been for everyone's hard work, we wouldn't have been able to finish this project on time.

① The teacher gave unclear instructions to his students, which resulted in them being confused about how to perform the experiment.

The teacher was not clear about how the experiment should be performed, which left his students unsure about what to do.


① It was very kind of Emily to show me around when I first transferred to this high school.

Emily was very kind to give me a tour of this high school when I first transferred here.
4. David 出發去海邊看日落,發現海邊擠滿了人潮。4.第四題可譯為:

① David set off for the beach to watch the sunset, only to find that the place was packed with people.

David headed to the beach to watch the sunset, but found the place crowded with people.


① It turned out that he was not the only one that wanted to come and appreciate the view.

As it happens, he was not the only one that wanted to come and admire the view.


自己練習: If we hadn't work hard, we couldn't complete the project on time.

① But for everyone's hard work, we wouldn't have completed this project on time.

② If it hadn't been for everyone's hard work, we wouldn't have been able to finish this project on time.

自己練習: That teacher didn't give a clear direction, couse to his students feel confused about how to practice experiment.

自己練習: Emily who took me visiting around when I turned to this high school was really kind

① It was very kind of Emily to show me around when I first transferred to this high school.

Emily was very kind to give me a tour of this high school when I first transferred here.


4.David 出發去海邊看日落,卻現海邊擠滿了人潮。
自己練習: David went to beachside to see sunset, turned out people were crowded.

① David set off for the beach to watch the sunset, only to find that the place was packed with people.

David headed to the beach to watch the sunset, but found the place crowded with people.

自己練習:He isn't the only person who wanted to enjoy the scene.

① It turned out that he was not the only one that wanted to come and appreciate the view.

As it happens, he was not the only one that wanted to come and admire the view.

可譯為:But for everyone's hard work, we wouldn't have completed this project on time.
亦可譯: If it hadn't been for everyone's hard work, we wouldn't have been able to finish this project on time.


But for + N,  S + 過去式助動詞 + have p.p.

= If it had not been for + N,  S+過去式助動詞+ have p.p.

   當時要不是 / 若非 ⋯就 ⋯ *本句型為與過去事實相反的假設語氣。

◆ If it had not been for Larry's carelessness, this accident wouldn't have happened.


a. complete  vt.完成

◆ It's a challenge for Carl to complete the difficult task by himself.


b. on time 準時

◆ Hal rarely showed up at meetings on time.




可譯為:◆ The teacher gave unclear instructions to his students, which resulted in them being confused about how to perform the experiment.

亦可譯:◆ The teacher was not clear about how the experiment should be performed, which left his students unsure about what to do.

a. instruction n.指示(常用複數)

b. result in... 導致/造成・

◆ The heavy rain resulted in the city being affected by multiple floods.


c. be confused about... 對⋯⋯感到困惑 / confused a.感到困惑的

◆ Mike was confused about how he lost his wallet.


d. perform an / the experiment 進行實驗 / experiment n.實験

◆ Iris performed an experiment to see how plants react to different kinds of music.



可譯為:◆ It was very kind of Emily to show me around when I first transferred to this high school.
亦可譯:◆ Emily was very kind to give me a tour of this high school when I first transferred here.


It is + Adj.+ of sb to V  某人(做)⋯-真是⋯

注意: 在 "It is + Adj.+ of sb to V "的句構中,形容詞用修飾人,
         表人的個性或特質, 例如: kind、nice、thoughtful、careful、foolish等。

It is very sweet of you to remember my birthday.


a. show sb around(+地點)


◆ Cass showed me around the neighborhood when I first moved in.


b. transfer to...  轉學到

    transfer     vi. 轉學

◆ Jay has just transferred to this school, so he doesn't know many people here.



4.第四題:David 出發去海邊看日落,發現海邊擠滿了人潮。


可譯為:◆ David set off for the beach to watch the sunset, only to find that the place was packed with people.

亦可譯:◆ David headed to the beach to watch the sunset, but found the place crowded with people.

a. set off for+地點 出發/啟程去某處

例: What time do you have to set off for the airport tomorrow?


b. sunset  n.日落

c. only to V  結果卻/竟然 ... (表示意外或與希相反的結果)

◆Jim pulled back the curtains, only to find that it was raining heavily.


d. be packed with ...    擠滿了...

◆The library was packed with students studying for their exams.


可譯為:◆ It turned out that he was not the only one that wanted to come and appreciate the view.

亦可譯:◆ As it happens, he was not the only one that wanted to come and admire the view.



     It turns out + that 子句 結果 / 原來 ⋯⋯

◆ It turned out that the missing key had been under the sofa all along.



a. appreciate vt.欣賞

◆ Only a few students could appreciate this poem.



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