0802 - Let's Go to the SUPERMARKET!   我們去超級市場吧!

【重要句型學習 :Supermarkets sell more than food. 超市不僅賣食品

You can shop for food at a supermarket. It has almost everything.
你可以在超市購買食物。 它幾乎擁有一切。

You can buy fresh fruit and vegetables. You can also buy all kinds of meat.
你可以購買新鮮的水果和蔬菜。 你還可以購買各種肉類。

You can often buy fish and seafood, too. 你也經常可以買到魚和海鮮。

Most supermarkets have a bakery. You can buy fresh bread, cakes and cookies.
大多數超市都有麵包店。 你可以購買新鮮的麵包、蛋糕和餅乾。

Supermarkets sell frozen food, too. You can buy a frozen meal.
超市也出售冷凍食品。 你可以購買冷凍食品。

Take it home and heat it up. You don't have to cook! 帶回家加熱。 你不用做飯!


■ Gramm Point
ㆍBut I'm stopping at Sarah's Supermarket. 動詞stop意即「停止」,此為中途暫停或途中稍作停頓.

ㆍDoes this bus stop at Central Park?  這班公車會在中央公園停嗎?

ㆍLet's stop and ask for directions.       我們停一下問個路吧。


Conversation A (in the Jungle Cafe)
Megan: Are you going home now, Greg?
Greg: Yes. But I'm stopping at Sarah's Supermarket. I have to buy some food.
Megan: That supermarket has almost everything.
Greg: I know! I need some fresh fruit and vegetables.
Megan: Bananas and strawberries are on sale there this week.
Greg: Really? I love bananas.
Megan: They're good for you. Buy a lot!


Conversation B
Greg: I need meat, too.
Megan: What else?
Greg: I want some fish and seafood. And I  need some bread.
Megan: The bakery at Sarah's is great.
Greg: Yes. The cakes there are really good. So are the cookies.
Megan: And Sarah's sells frozen meals.
Greg: I know! I often buy those. Then I don't have to cook!


■ Questions
1. What is on sale this week at Sarah's Supermarket?

2. How often do you go to the supermarket?




0803 - Let's Go to the SUPERMARKET!   我們去超市吧!

When people go shopping, they often have a list. 當人們去購物時,他們通常會有一個清單。

They will buy everything on the list. 他們會購買清單上的所有東西。

They put the things in a cart手推車or basket. 他們把東西放在手推車或籃子裡。

Supermarkets have many kinds of food in cans. 超市裡有很多罐頭食品。

They also have flour, sugar and spices. In the dairy section乳製品區, you can get milk and yogurt.
他們還有麵粉、糖和香料。 在乳製品區,你可以買到牛奶和酸奶。

Supermarkets sell more than food. 超市不僅賣食品


You can buy cleaning products, pens and pencils. 你可以購買清潔產品、鋼筆和鉛筆。

You can buy cards and magazines. 你可以購買卡片和雜誌。

You can get toothbrushes and medicine, too. 你也可以買到牙刷和藥。

You can buy almost anything at a supermarket! 超市裡幾乎什麼都能買到!



Conversation A (in a supermarket)
Tina: Oh, hi, Matt! You're doing some shopping, too?
Matt: Yes, I have my list!
Tina: What's on your list?
Matt: Well, I need milk and yogurt.
Tina: So you need things from the dairy section.
Matt: That's right. I also need some eggs and some meat. I need some cans
罐頭複數+S of food, too.
Tina: Maybe you should get a cart. You're buying a lot.



■ Grammar Point
What's on your list?
名詞 list 意即清單,名單,如shopping list
購物清單, name list 名單
ㆍMom always has her shopping list with her.
ㆍ This is the updated student name list.



Conversation B
Matt: What's on your list?

Tina: Just a few things. I'm going to bake cookies. So I need flour and sugar.
Matt: What kind of cookies?
Tina: Sugar cookies. I'll bring some to the office tomorrow.
Matt: That would be great!
Tina: And I need to buy a new toothbrush and some cold medicine. Shopping at the supermarket is so convenient. You can get almost anything here.



■ More Information
ㆍfrozen(adj) 冷凍的
cart    (n) 手推車
dairy  (adj) 乳製品的


■ Use It!
I have to. . .
ㆍ I have to do my homework.
ㆍ I have to go to bed.
✏️ Write your own!
I'm going to . . .
ㆍI'm going to take a vacation.
ㆍI'm going to look for a new job.
✏️ Write your own!
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