【一天10分鐘 口說英語通】介紹你的國家受歡迎的水果!(資料自https://open.firstory.me/story/cl3mjort601hp01va5jn928kv)

0527 (周一詞彙+周五口說)  齊斌老師 口說英語通

   You can enjoy varieties of delicious, sweet fruit available year-round. Talking about the most popular fruit, watermelon is the one that is loved by all. Summer in Taiwan can be warm sometimes. In this heat of summer, a slice of watermelon can quench your thirst in an instant. I think people love watermelon for a couple of reasons. First of all, the fruit gained popularity for its taste and it refreshes within a short time. A major part of the fruit contains water and it helps to hydrate the body. The sweet flavor of the fruit is another reason to attract people. Further, the fruit is rich in vitamins. When someone takes the fruit, it helps to make them feel full of energy. Of course, I like watermelon. This is one of my favorite fruits during summer.

the one that ...

1.We decided to buy the one that cost the least.

2.The one that plays better defense will win.

3.Fame is the one that does not stay. -- By Emily Dickinson.



1. slice   (n.) 薄片

2. quench one’s thirst (phr.) 解渴

3. in an instant (phr.) 立刻

4. gain popularity (phr.) 受歡迎,獲得人氣

5. refresh  (v.) 使恢復精力

6. major  (adj.) 主要的;重大的

7. contain [kənˈten] (v.) 包含;容納

8. hydrate [ˈhaɪdret] (v.)(身體)補充水分

9. be rich in (phr.) 富有

10. energy [ˈɛnɚdʒi] (n.) 精力;活力;幹勁

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