獎: prize [praɪz] (勿與price價格搞混)
第一名: first prize
第二名: second prize
第三名: third prize
獎牌: medal
金獎牌: gold medal
銀獎牌: silver medal
銅獎牌: bronze medal
獎盃: trophy
得獎: win a prize
● He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1985.
● I won a prize in the raffle. 我在摸彩中獲了獎。
● The first (= main) prize is a week for two in Miami. 頭獎是邁阿密雙人週末遊。
● The prize money for winning Wimbledon has been increased by 12.5 per cent. 溫布頓冠軍獎金額度提高了12.5%。