規劃執行與創新應變  2月21日 神奇氣泡水 Unit 9 ★★★★★ Just So you know 生活快遞

Water that bubbles' in your mouth.

這些水的英文要怎麼說啊~ 在中式餐廳裡,通常服務生會主動提供茶水,但在西方人開的餐廳裡, 水是不主動提供,而且通常是要收費的喔!

💧sparklingwater 氣泡水 💧tap water 自來水 💧mineral water 礦泉水

💧still water不含氣泡的水 💧distilled [dɪˋstɪld]water 蒸餾水


Putting the Sparkle in Sparkling Water

    It is a drink with many names: sparkling water, soda water, club soda, and seltzer'. No matter what you call it, you have probably seen this bubbly beverage in restaurants, supermarkets, or convenience stores. Some types of sparkling mineral water can even be found in s nature.
    Sparkling water has been very popular in Europe for a long time. There, it is serveds in restaurants instead of tap water. Recently, it has also become a hit in other parts of the world, including North America and Asia. On average, people around the world are spending almost US$30 billion on" sparkling water every year.
    A British scientist named William Brownrigg created this drink by accidents in the mid-1700s. At that time, he added carbon dioxide' gas to water, which created the bubbles and made the water "sparkle." Later, sparkling water caught on in Europe because people believed that it had healing powers. One German man named J.J. Schweppe learned how to make sparkling water himself and started selling it in bottles in 1783. Today, one of the most popular brands of sparkling water is named after him: Schweppes.


   它是一個有很多名字的飲料:氣泡水、蘇打水(soda water 或 club soda)及塞爾茲礦泉水不管你怎麼稱呼它,你很可能在餐廳、超市或便利商店看過這種氣泡飲料。有些氣泡礦泉水甚至可在大自然被發現。




★ 單字片語 Words & Phrases


1.bubble   vi.冒泡&n.氣泡

   bubbly    a.充滿氣泡的

◆After a few minutes, the water started bubbling.


2.mineral n.礦物(質)

◆Fish is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and protein.


3.serve vt.供應(飯菜、食物等)

◆ Dinner is served precisely at seven o'clock.


4.人+spend+表金的名詞+o 某人花費・ .(金錢)在某物上

◆ Sarah spent no less than NT$50,000 on clothes last month.


5. by accident  phr.意外地;無意間 =相反= on purpose

◆ Lisa revealed the secret by accident.


6. add A to B    將A加進B中

◆ George added milk to his cereal for breakfast.


7. catch on 流行起來

◆ The designer predicts that miniskirts will catch on next year.


8.heal   vi.&vt.(使身體或心理的)傷口痊癒 (本文為現在分詞作形容詞用)

◆ The victim's wound healed nicely after the operation.



★ 補充詞彙 Extra Words & Phrases

* sparkle               n.& vi.發泡:閃櫟

* sparkling           a.(飲料)起泡的

* seltzer               n.塞爾茲礦泉水(起泡的礦泉水)

* beverage           n.飲料

* carbon dioxide   n.二氧化碳



★ 題目 You Can Do This 英文試金石, 依文意選出最適當的一個選項

1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the Day 1 article?

(A) The other names of sparkling water.

(B) How sparkling water was first created.

(C)Where people can buy sparkling water.

(D)How much a bottle of sparkling water costs.


2. Which of the following is true about J.J. Schweppe?

(A) He was the first to create sparkling water.

(B) He offered sparkling water in glasses.

(C)A popular sparkling water brand is named after him.

(D)A shop selling sparkling water is owned by him.






答案 You Can Do This

1.D 2.C

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