▲be expected to do sth 只表示被動,不表示主動,有時在中文沒有從字面上翻譯出被動來,只是為了符合中文表達習慣而已,其隱含的意思仍是被動的。如:
Each man is expected to do his duty. 每個人當各盡其責。 (意指:每個人都被期望要各盡其責)
You will be expected to work on Saturdays. 你們星期六要上班。 (意指:人們指望你星期六上班)
The following are expected to come at 2:00. 下列人員應在兩點鐘到達。 (下列人員被要求在兩點鐘到達。)
He is expected to remain in hospital for several more days. 他還需在醫院多住幾天。 (意指:他被要求在醫院多住幾天)
One of the major banks has lowered its interest rates and the other banks are expected to follow suit. 有一家大銀行已降低了利率,其他銀行也準會照樣做的。 (意指:人們預計其他銀行也會照樣做→其他銀行被人們預計到會這樣做)
▲be determined to do sth 這裡的 determined 已轉化為形容詞,意思是 with one's mind firmly made up 或 resolute(有決心的;意志堅定的;堅決的——表主動意義)。如:
She was determined that he should study music. 她下決心要他學習音樂。
A really determined person never gives up. 一個真正有決心的人絕不會放棄。
They were determined to press their case at the highest level. 他們決定把他們那事向最高層反映。
I have determined to go abroad. 我已決定出國。
I am determined to go abroad. 我已下定決心要出國。
在前一句裡,determine 是界限動詞,強調一時的動作;在第二句裡,determined 用作形容詞,說明的是一種狀態,即一種堅定不移的決心。