除了表示”正在做什麼”, 現在進行式 ( Be + Ving ) 還有其他好幾個用法
最重要一種是( Be + Ving ) 與 副詞 always, forever, constantly 聯用,強調不斷重覆發生的事、動作
● Mom is always telling children I love you. 媽媽總是告訴孩子們我愛你。
● Jam and Ann are constantly quarreling. 賈姆和安經常吵架。
● Jam and Ann are always arguing. 賈姆和安總是在吵架
● The government is always bragging about how much it has done for the people.政府總是在吹噓自己為人民做了多少事.
● He is always bragging about how much real estate he owns. 他總是在吹噓自己擁有多少房地產
● He is forever boasting about how many properties he owns. 他永遠在吹噓自己擁有多少房地產
● Jenny is constantly complaining about her job.珍妮經常抱怨她的工作。
● When somebody is constantly complaining, it’s easy to think that they just have a negative outlook on life in the same way that a pessimist might. 當有人不斷抱怨時,很容易認為他們對生活的看法與悲觀主義者一樣。
★尤其與 always 或 constantly 等字連用來表示某一令人厭煩、不悅、惱怒或驚訝的事情經常發生
當現在進行式與 always, constantly 或 forever 等字連用時,它是在表示某一令人厭煩、不悅、惱怒或驚訝的事情經常發生。注意:它的語意與現在簡單式非常相似,但卻是在表達負面的情緒。
要將 always, constantly 或 forever 置於 BE 動詞和 V-ing 之間。
● Sarah is always coming to class late. (莎拉上課老是遲到)
● I don’t like them because they are always complaining. (我不喜歡他們,因為他們老是抱怨東抱怨西的)
● Annie is constantly talking. I wish she would shut up. (安妮老是嘰哩聒拉講個不停。我希望她閉嘴)
非進行式動詞不能用於任何進行式時態。再者,若干非進行式含意的混合動詞亦不能用於進行式。 不能用現在進行式的動詞, 必須使用現在簡單式。
● Linda loves this chocolate ice cream. (琳達喜歡這巧克力冰淇淋) (正)
● Linda is loving this chocolate ice cream. (琳達喜歡這巧克力冰淇淋) (誤)
always, usually, only, never, ever, still, just 等副詞通常位在 BE 動詞的後面。
● They are still watching TV. (他們還在看電視)
● Is she still playing the piano? (她還在彈鋼琴嗎?)
● Whenever you can’t find Sam, he is usually taking a bath. (每當你找不到山姆,他通常正在洗澡)
● Right now, Tommy is writing the letter. (湯米現在正在寫信) - 主動態
● Right now, the letter is being written by Tommy. (信現在正被湯米寫著) - 被動態
1. 表示此刻正在進行的某件事、某個動作
We are studying English grammar. 我們正在學文法
Are you listening to me? 你在聽我說話嗎?
What are you doing? 你在做什麼啊?
2. 表示不久的未來即將要發生的事、動作
Hurry up, the train is leaving in five minutes.快一點,再過5分鐘火車就要開了
Are you coming to the party tomorrow? 明天的派對你要來嗎?
I am meeting Sandy tonight. 我今天晚上要和Sandy碰面
3. 表示某段特定時間在進行的事、動作或趨勢,可能持續了一個星期、幾個月、甚至一年
Mary is writing another book this year. Mary今年在寫另外一本書
Are you still working for the same company?你還在同一家公司工作嗎?
More and more people are becoming vegetarians.越來越多人吃素