空中英語教室 2021 SEP. Lesson4: WHAT'S YOUR OPINION? 溝通表達
LET'S WATCH A MOVIE! Should you watch a movie in a theater or at home?
關鍵詞 pause, surround, fantasy, occasionally, communal, sound board, realism
Jennifer: I doubt it.
We have more freedom at home, too.
We can pause the movie and get snacks or use the bathroom without missing anything.
我們可以按暂停去拿零嘴,或是上廁所, 都不會錯過電影的任何一部分
● pause (v) 暫停 · Maxine paused the music player to answer the door.
Mason: But I enjoy that communal experience of watching a movie in the dark with strangers.
●communal (a) 集體的:共有的
Jennifer: I know what you mean, and that is fun. But at home we have the best seats in the house.
There, the seats are assigned, and sometimes someone nearby is wearing awful-smelling perfume.
● I know what you mean >> Now, friends, we use this phrase to tell someone that you understand what they're talking about.
>> Maybe you've had a shared experience, and you can relate to what they're saying.
>> Yeah, to share that you understand or sometimes maybe even to communicate that you sympathize with that person on some level.
Mason: That's only happened once.
And only on a big screen can you see all the tiny details you might miss on a TV screen.
And the sound surrounds you and makes you feel like you're right in the scene.
● surround (v) 環繞,包圍 · Music surrounded them as they sat in the concert hall.
Jennifer: Those are good points, but our sound board helps a lot with that feeling.
● sound board (n) 音效卡
Mason: Yes, but it's not the same.
It is so much easier to escape the realism of one's life. It helps you become part of the movie's fantasy world for a while.
● fantasy (n) 幻想:想像· John wrote a wonderful fantasy story about a mouse that lives in Africa.
● realism (n) 現實(性)
● escape the realism of one's life 跳脫真實人生
to escape + (realism/reality) 逃脫(現實主義/現實)
>> But I would say that even watching a movie at home is escaping reality - at least for.., you know, the couple hours you're watching the movie.
>> 但我想說的是,即使是在家看電影也是在逃避現實——至少在你看電影的幾個小時內是這樣。
>> You know, when... sometimes you watch a movie, but depending on who you're watching with, you're really not escaping reality because they're talking beside you the whole time.>> 你知道,當......有時你看電影,但取決於你和誰一起看,你真的沒有逃避現實,因為他們一直在你身邊說話。
Jennifer: Well, you can't stay in that world when people's phones light up when they check them.
Mason: Occasionally that happens, and it is annoying, but it'll do us good to get out.
● do someone good (Phr) 對某人有好處
● occasionally (ad) 有時;偶爾
· Occasionally we go out to eat, but we usually eat at home.
Jennifer: OK, I guess ... but I hope this time there won't be a tall guy sitting in front of me.
好吧.. ,但我希望這次不會有個很高的人坐在我前面。
Usage Tip
And only on a big s screen can you see all the tiny details you might miss on a TV screen.
此句為倒裝句, 為 only 置於句首所形成的倒裝句:
【only + 介系詞片語/從屬子句 + 助動詞 + S + VR 】【只有~才~】
■ 倒裝句是一種具有加強語氣、高度強調意味寫作手法, 一般用於正式及書面寫作。
★ only + 介系詞片語, 如:
· And only on a big s screen can you see all the tiny details you might miss on a TV screen.
★ only + 從屬子句 , 如:
· Only when Jason apologizes sincerely will Lisa forgive him.
>> preview vs. trailer 預覽與預告片
>> I love watching the previews or the trailers 'cause (because) you get to see what's coming, new movies that will be on the silver screen soon.
>> to be on the edge of one's seat
Ooh, yes. I love that phrase. (Sitting on the edge of your seat.)
on the edge of one's seat 字面上是「在椅子的邊緣」,但它當然有個引申義就是戲劇,表演非常引人入勝,深深地抓住你。
1. 劇情太精彩,忍不住整個人往前坐,更專心地看
2. 太可怕刺激,嚇到快跌出椅子外
3. 太興奮或緊張,導致坐不住,只好往前坐
這幾種情況都可以用on the edge of one's seat 來形容,總而言之,